
Sept. 29

All Party members and people of all ethnic groups should take heroes and role models as examples, unite and strive forward to form a mighty force to build a strong China.

  • Xi calls on Fujian to play leading role in country's modernization drive
  • Xi delivers speech at reception held in Beijing to celebrate 75th founding anniversary of PRC
  • Xi stresses learning from heroes, role models to make China stronger
  • Xi urges boosting building of community for Chinese nation
  • Xi encourages industrial workers to contribute to full revitalization of northeast China
  • Xi chairs CPC leadership meeting to analyze economic situation, arrange for economic work
  • Xi stresses cultivating more high-caliber journalism, communication professionals
  • Xi urges continuously promoting ethnic unity across generations
  • Xi stresses cultivating more high-caliber officials for Xinjiang
  • Xi urges continuous efforts to run people's congresses to good effect
  • Xi calls for deepening reform in Gansu to advance Chinese modernization
  • Xi stresses ecological protection, high-quality development in Yellow River Basin
  • Xi stresses making solid progress toward building China into leading country in education
  • (FOCAC) Full text: Keynote address by Chinese President Xi Jinping at opening ceremony of 2024 FOCAC summit
  • (FOCAC) Full text: Toast by Chinese President Xi Jinping at welcoming banquet of 2024 FOCAC summit
  • Xi demands all-out efforts to carry out reform tasks
  • CPC leadership reviews measures on western region's development
  • Xi urges advancing socialism with Chinese characteristics at symposium held to mark Deng Xiaoping's 120th birth anniversary
  • Xi meets Chinese sports delegation, hails Olympians for winning glory for country
  • Xi stresses enhancing Party building in instructions to central Party and state departments

Xi calls on Fujian to play leading role in country's modernization drive

XIAMEN, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) -- On a recent inspection tour in east China's Fujian Province, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, emphasized the need for the province to fully implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress and the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. He stressed the importance for the province to comprehensively implement the new development philosophy and uphold the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability. Xi also underscored the importance for Fujian to steadfastly pursue the goals of creating a new Fujian characterized by dynamic mechanisms, thriving industries, prosperous communities, and a beautiful environment, staying committed to translating these objectives into realities. He called on Fujian to make further progress in accelerating the building of a modernized economy, make greater achievements in serving and integrating into the new development paradigm, take even greater strides in blazing a new trail for integrated cross-Strait development, and achieve greater breakthroughs in improving quality of life. He urged the province to deepen reforms across the board, promote high-quality development comprehensively, and strive for a leading role in China's modernization drive.

From Oct. 15 to 16, Xi -- accompanied by Zhou Zuyi, secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee, and Zhao Long, governor of the province -- conducted an inspection and research tour in the cities of Zhangzhou and Xiamen, visiting sites including a village, a revolutionary education base, a cultural heritage site under government protection, and an area of the Fujian pilot free trade zone.

On the afternoon of Oct. 15, Xi first inspected Dongshan County in the city of Zhangzhou. The village of Aojiao, located in Chencheng Town in the southeastern part of the county, faces the sea on three sides. Over the past few years, the village has embarked on a new path of development by leveraging the sea to revitalize and develop itself. Xi took a walk to inspect the marine environment of Aojiao Bay and the appearance of the village, and inquired in detail about the trading of dried seafood and freshly caught seafood products. Xi was glad to learn that many seafood products are in high demand and that the incomes of villagers have been on the rise. Speaking to the villagers and fishermen who gathered around him, he said: "I visited your village 23 years ago, and it left a deep impression on me. Seeing the significant changes here today is gratifying and inspiring." He said rural areas will undoubtedly have a brighter future and farmers will enjoy a more vibrant life on the new journey in the new era. He urged the village Party committee to play a leading role, guide villagers to make good use of the sea, and strive forward to achieve rural revitalization and common prosperity.

Xi then visited the Gu Wenchang Memorial Hall, where he learned about the inspiring deeds of Comrade Gu Wenchang and was briefed about how revolutionary traditions were carried forward. During the visit, he also engaged in cordial exchanges with representatives of teachers and students from Gu Wenchang Cadre College. Xi pointed out that public recognition is the key gauge to evaluate an official's performance, calling on leading officials at all levels to learn from Gu, have a correct understanding of what it means to perform well, and bring benefits to local people during their term in office. He also asked the officials to deliver tangible results, make constant efforts for achievements in the long run, and build a good reputation in the hearts of the people. "Learning from Gu requires not only deep admiration, but also concrete deeds to follow his example in fostering integrity and performing duties," Xi said.

At the Guandi cultural industrial park, Xi was briefed about local efforts in strengthening the protection of cultural heritage and promoting cultural exchanges across the Taiwan Strait. He stressed that cultural heritage is a precious legacy left by our ancestors and should be protected and carried forward.

On the morning of Oct. 16, Xi inspected the Xiamen Area of China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone. He visited an exhibition showcasing the achievements in the construction of the pilot free trade zone, and was briefed about local work in further expanding reform and opening up, as well as in exploring a new path for integrated development across the Taiwan Strait. He also talked with the staffers at a comprehensive service hall. Over more than 40 years of development, the Xiamen Special Economic Zone has experienced tremendous changes that were once unimaginable, he said. Today, the requirements for reform and opening up, both in depth and breadth, are higher than ever before. Fujian and Xiamen need to adapt to the changing situation, steadily advance institutional opening up, align with international high standards, and achieve more institutional and policy outcomes to contribute to the expansion of high-level opening up, Xi said.

On the afternoon of Oct. 16, Xi listened to work reports from the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and the provincial government. He commended what Fujian has achieved in various areas of its work and put forward clear requirements for the province's work in the future.

Xi noted the need to explore new pathways for the deep integration of technological and industrial innovation. He called on the province to accelerate the building of an all-around innovation support system, promote integrated reforms in education, technology, and talent systems in a coordinated manner, and strengthen the building of high-level scientific and technological innovation platforms. He also emphasized the importance of implementing major technological initiatives, enhancing the role of enterprises as major players in innovation, and improving financial policies and mechanisms that support technological advancement, so as to create a better environment for boosting innovation and attracting talent.

He urged the province to firmly develop the real economy, consolidate the strengths of traditional industries, vigorously promote the transformation and upgrading of industries, cultivate and expand strategic emerging industries, make plans for future industries, develop new quality productive forces according to local conditions, and shape new advantages in industrial development.

Xi stressed efforts to comprehensively deepen reform and expand high-level opening up. He called for continued efforts to boldly practice, explore and reform on its own, with a focus on key sectors and links and economic structural reform as the spearhead. It is imperative to unswervingly consolidate and develop the public sector and unswervingly encourage, support, and guide the development of the non-public sector, and innovatively develop the "Jinjiang Experience" to fully stimulate the whole society's vitality for investing and starting businesses. It is essential to prioritize reforms aimed at improving the people's well-being, with a focus on delivering on the people's aspirations and expectations. Xi also called for efforts to further upgrade pilot free trade zones, align with major regional strategies, further integrate into high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, build a core area of the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, and consolidate and expand the roles of the province as an important link and an important channel in the interplay between domestic and international economic flows. He urged Fujian to build itself into a demonstration zone for integrated development across the Taiwan Strait.

Xi noted that Fujian should play an exemplary role in promoting coordinated regional development and integrated urban-rural development. It is imperative for the province to advance the mechanism for collaboration between mountainous and coastal areas, further coordinate their development and strengthen the complementarity of their functions. It is essential for Fujian to advance the building of national ecological conservation pilot zones, build a great pattern of protection and governance covering from the mountains to the sea, strengthen overall governance in key areas, river basins and sea areas, and expand the capacity of the ecosystem. Xi called for efforts to strengthen coordinated integration of rural revitalization across the board and new-type urbanization, as well as to expedite integrated urban-rural development. He highlighted the need to bolster the county-level economy, speed up the revitalization and development of former revolutionary bases, and consolidate and further expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. It is imperative to ensure that the total area of farmland remains above the specified red line, adopt an all-encompassing approach to food and agriculture, and forge specialty-based agricultural clusters. Xi also underscored the importance of deepening the collective forest tenure reform and developing forest foods and under-forest economy, thus continuously exploring the forests' potential in boosting the economy and grain production. Xi also urged accelerated efforts to develop the cities of Fuzhou and Xiamen as national-level marine economic development demonstration zones, as part of the wider endeavor to expand and strengthen the marine economy. He also stressed the imperative to guard against natural disasters, such as typhoons and earthquakes, and strengthen the capacity for disaster prevention, mitigation and relief.

Xi urged continued efforts to improve the appeal of culture and present the province's fresh image. He called on the province to inherit and carry forward the revolutionary traditions, commit to the construction of national culture parks for the Long March in Changting and Ninghua, as well as deepen the research and interpretation of revolutionary historical materials and relics. He underlined the need to strengthen the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage, stay committed to the work of cultivating people morally and intellectually, and actively transform outmoded habits and customs. He also stressed advancing deeper integration of culture and tourism, and developing the culture and tourism sector into a pillar industry. Xi urged continued efforts to promote cross-Strait cultural exchanges, jointly carry forward Chinese culture, and enhance the common sense of the Chinese national and cultural identity among Taiwan compatriots. Xi called on Fujian to rely on ties such as ancestral bonds and ancestral land culture to extensively rally the support of overseas Chinese.

Xi pointed out that Party members and officials should be educated to inherit the best of traditions, carry forward our revolutionary heritage and the pioneering and innovative spirit of daring to think big and fighting to win big, forge ahead with fortitude, and make further achievements. All Party members and officials should have an understanding of performing their duties to serve the people, never forget the original aspiration, take on responsibilities, be honest and clean in performing duties, and always maintain the political integrity of communists. It is imperative to fight pointless formalities, and take further steps to ease the burdens on grassroots. He urged efforts to implement the practices of going into communities to communicate the Party's lines and policies, carry out fact-finding missions, address people's complaints, and conduct field work, follow the Party's mass line in the new era, and raise the effectiveness of Party building in boosting grassroots governance.

Xi stressed the necessity to conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, spare no efforts to do a good job in the economic work of the fourth quarter, and strive to achieve the economic and social development objectives for the whole year.

Vice Premier He Lifeng and leading officials of relevant central Party and state departments accompanied Xi on the inspection tour.

Xi delivers speech at reception held in Beijing to celebrate 75th founding anniversary of PRC

BEIJING, Oct. 2 (Xinhua) -- A grand reception celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) was held at the Great Hall of the People on the evening of Sept. 30. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the reception and delivered an important speech. He noted that for the past 75 years since the founding of the PRC, the Party has united people of all ethnic groups and led them to struggle relentlessly, creating the twin miracles of rapid economic growth and long-term social stability. China has undergone tremendous changes, and its national rejuvenation is now on an irreversible historical course. On the journey ahead in the new era, the Chinese people will score more remarkable achievements and make greater contributions to the noble cause of peace and development for humanity.

Li Qiang presided over the reception. Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Li Xi and Han Zheng attended the event. Approximately 3,000 people from home and abroad gathered to celebrate the PRC's 75th founding anniversary.

In the Great Hall of the People, the banquet hall was brightly lit and radiant with festivity and warmth. The national emblem was displayed high above the platform. Two giant numbers "1949 - 2024" stood out prominently against the backdrop of bright red flags.

At around 5:30 p.m., to the lively tune of the "Welcome Song," Xi and his colleagues walked into the banquet hall, waving and greeting those present. Applause erupted.

The reception began, and the entire audience rose to their feet to sing the national anthem -- March of the Volunteers. The magnificent music reverberated throughout the hall.

Amidst the sound of bugles, Xi walked onto the platform and delivered an important speech. On behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, he first paid high tribute to the people of all ethnic groups in the country, to the officers and soldiers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force, and to non-CPC political parties and personages without party affiliation. He extended sincere greetings to compatriots in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, and Taiwan, as well as overseas Chinese. Additionally, he expressed heartfelt gratitude to friendly countries and international friends who care about and support the PRC's development.

Xi noted that building China into a strong country and advancing national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization is the central task for the Party and the state on the journey ahead in the new era. The best way to commemorate the PRC's 75th founding anniversary is to continuously push forward this unprecedented cause. To promote Chinese modernization, we must always uphold the core role of the Party in exercising overall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all sides, resolutely uphold the Party Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership, persevere in exercising full and rigorous Party self-governance, and steer great social transformation via Party's own transformation. We must always follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, further deepen reform comprehensively and open wider to the outside world, promote high-quality development, and ensure the future of the country's development and progress remains firmly in the hands of the Chinese people. We must always adhere to a people-centered approach, act for the people and rely on the people in everything we do, and enable all the people to benefit from reform and development while working hard together. We must always follow a path of peaceful development, uphold the banner of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, and promote world peace and stability as well as the common progress of humanity.

Xi emphasized that achieving national rejuvenation is a shared aspiration of all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, including compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. It is imperative to fully, faithfully and resolutely implement the policy of One Country, Two Systems, under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong and the people of Macao administer Macao, both with a high degree of autonomy, and it is essential to firmly safeguard and promote the long-term prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and Macao.

Xi said that Taiwan is an integral part of China's sacred territory, and the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are bound by blood. We must adhere to the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, deepen economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation across the Strait, forge closer bonds between people across the Strait, and resolutely oppose any separatist activities seeking "Taiwan independence." Achieving complete national reunification is an irresistible trend. It is where the greater national interest lies, and what the people desire. No one can stop the wheels of history.

He emphasized that humanity shares one planet, and people from all countries share a common future. We must promote humanity's shared values, and advocate an equal, orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. We must promote the implementation of the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, actively participate in the reform and construction of the global governance system, and work together to build a human community with a shared future.

Xi pointed out that after 75 years of strenuous efforts, Chinese modernization has unfolded a magnificent chapter and presented promising prospects. At the same time, the road ahead will not always be smooth, and difficulties and obstacles are inevitable. We must remain mindful of potential dangers and be well-prepared, and resolutely overcome uncertain and unforeseen risks and challenges. No difficulties can impede the progress of the Chinese people.

Amid joyful music, domestic and international guests raised their glasses to celebrate the 75th founding anniversary of the PRC and wished for the prosperity of China and the happiness and health of its people, as well as the lasting friendship between the Chinese people and people from other countries.

Also present at the reception were Wang Yi, Yin Li, Shi Taifeng, Liu Guozhong, Li Ganjie, Li Shulei, Li Hongzhong, He Weidong, He Lifeng, Zhang Youxia, Zhang Guoqing, Chen Wenqing, Li Ruihuan, Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinglin, Zhang Dejiang, Yu Zhengsheng, Li Zhanshu, Wang Yang, Li Lanqing, Zeng Qinghong, Wu Guanzheng, Li Changchun, He Guoqiang, Liu Yunshan, Wang Qishan, and Zhang Gaoli, as well as leading officials of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), the State Council, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and the Central Military Commission, and those who have retired from leadership positions.

The reception was also attended by leading officials of central authorities and Beijing Municipality; leaders of the central committees of non-CPC political parties and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and representatives of personages without party affiliation; representatives of outstanding members from various sectors; some deputies to the NPC and some members of the CPPCC National Committee; representatives of veteran generals and officials; the spouses of late Party and state leaders currently in Beijing; representatives of recipients of the Medal of the Republic, the Friendship Medal, the July 1 Medal, the August 1 Medal, and national honorary titles; representatives of national model workers and exemplary individuals; representatives of the Chinese sports delegation to the Paris Olympics and Paralympics; representatives of exemplary individuals who support the military, families of martyrs, disabled revolutionary veterans, and retired military personnel; representatives of role models who have attended a meeting to honor them for their contributions to ethnic unity and progress and representatives of ethnic minorities; personages from Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, Taiwan compatriots and representatives of overseas Chinese, currently in Beijing; diplomatic envoys of foreign countries, representatives of international organizations, and some foreign experts and friends.

Xi stresses learning from heroes, role models to make China stronger

BEIJING, Sept. 30 (Xinhua) -- On the morning of September 29, a ceremony was held to confer national medals and national honorary titles in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presented medals to recipients of the national medals and national honorary titles and delivered an important speech. Xi emphasized that a great era calls for heroes and nurtures heroes. When heroes emerge generation after generation, the cause of the Party and the people will flourish forever. Party committees and governments at all levels should care for and cherish heroes and role models, and promote the whole of society to respect, learn from, and strive to become heroes. He hoped that those being honored would cherish the honor, work harder, and strive for greater glory.

Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Ding Xuexiang, Li Xi, and Han Zheng attended the ceremony, and Cai Qi presided over the event.

At about 9 o'clock, the honorees of national medals and national honorary titles took the concierge car to the Great Hall of the People from their residence, escorted by a convoy of motorcycles. Outside the east gate of the Great Hall of the People, honor guards were standing on both flanks, and children cheered warmly. The honorees walked the red carpet and went into the Great Hall of the People. Relevant leading officials from a working committee on Party and state medals and honorary titles were there to welcome their arrival.

The atmosphere in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People was solemn and warm. The designs of Medals of the Republic, the Friendship Medal and the medals of national honorary titles shone on a large red background board. In front of the board, 18 bright five-star red flags were erected on both sides, and 18 guards of honor stood with guns in a heroic and gallant manner.

At 9:58, accompanied by joyful music, Xi, along with winners of national medals and national honorary titles, walked into the hall, and all in the hall stood up and gave them warm applause.

At 10 o'clock, the trumpeter of the military band blew the ceremonial horn, and the ceremony began. "March of the Volunteers" was played and the national anthem was sung.

Cai Qi read out a decree of the President of the People's Republic of China, which was signed by Xi. The presidential decree said that in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, for the purpose of honoring eminent people who have made outstanding contributions to the building and development of New China and carrying forward the national spirit and the spirit of the times, and in accordance with the decision made by the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee at its 11th session, Wang Yongzhi and three other people are awarded the Medal of the Republic; Dilma Rousseff is awarded the Friendship Medal; and Wang Xiaomo and nine other people are awarded national honorary titles.

Two flag bearers held high the national flag, while three honor guards, carrying the Medals of the Republic, the Friendship Medal, and the medals for the national honorary titles, walked in resolute strides to the ceremony site.

Amidst the majestic melody of "Salute to the Heroes of the Motherland," Xi presented medals to recipients of national medals and honorary titles, warmly shaking hands with them and offering his congratulations. The entire venue erupted in enthusiastic applause. Young pioneers presented beautiful flowers to the exemplary models and saluted them to express their respect.

Amidst enthusiastic applause from the entire assembly, Xi delivered an important address. On behalf of the CPC Central Committee, the National People's Congress, the State Council, and the Central Military Commission, he first extended heartfelt congratulations and profound respect to the heroes and exemplary figures awarded the Medal of the Republic and national honorary titles, as well as to the international friend bestowed with the Friendship Medal.

Xi pointed out that over the 75 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the CPC has united and led people of all ethnic groups nationwide to accomplish two feats: rapid economic development and long-term social stability. The great motherland has undergone tremendous changes, and the country has embarked on an irreversible historical journey to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Throughout this grand journey of development, a galaxy of heroes and exemplary figures have emerged across various sectors. Those honored today are outstanding representatives among them. Their exemplary deeds and significant contributions will be eternally inscribed in the annals of the Republic. Their loyalty, dedication and modesty are worth learning from by the entire Party and people of all ethnic groups across the nation.

Xi stressed that China is now in a crucial period for building a strong country and achieving national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization. He said that the whole Party and people of all ethnic groups across the country should learn from the examples of heroes and role models, strive forward in unity and forge ahead with tenacity to form a mighty force for jointly building a strong China. Xi also emphasized the need for people to have the ambition of making the country greater, cherish the ideal of making the country strong and prosperous, have the aspiration to strive for people's happiness, be loyal to the country, and do their bit for the country. He called on the Chinese people to integrate their personal careers into the overall national development, and realize personal value and exhibit life's worth in fulfilling duties for the country and serving the people. Xi also encouraged the Chinese people to hone their skills for building a strong country, meet the new requirements for the development of the times, learn new knowledge and master new skills, bring passion and dedication to their jobs and become masters of whatever work they engage in, and work hard to become experts in whatever they do or whatever business they start. To make greater achievements for building China into a strong country, the Chinese people were urged to proactively seize their time and shoulder historical responsibility as masters of the country to forge ahead while coping with difficulties in pursuit of excellence. They were called on to strive for extraordinary achievements at ordinary posts, and continuously make progress in overcoming challenges and difficulties in development and reform, as well as in safeguarding social harmony and stability.

Xi pointed out that over the past 75 years, there have been many old friends and good friends across the world who have worked together and weathered storms together with the Chinese people, and Dilma Rousseff, who was awarded the Friendship Medal today, is a prominent representative of them. The Chinese people will never forget those international friends who have made remarkable contributions to China's development, and to enhanced friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of other nations. The Chinese people are willing to join hands with people of all countries to safeguard world peace, push forward shared development, promote the building of a global community of shared future, and create a better future for the humanity.

Xi stressed the need for the Chinese people to jointly open up a brighter future, and jointly create a new history. He also called on the Chinese people to unite as one, and make proactive endeavors with focus on well-defined goals, jointly writing an even more splendid chapter for the People's Republic of China.

At the ceremony, Huang Zongde, winner of the Medal of the Republic, and Dilma Rousseff, winner of the Friendship Medal, delivered speeches on behalf of all the laureates.

After the ceremony, President Xi and other leaders with the laureates had a photo taken together.

Members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee in Beijing, some vice-chairpersons of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, state councilors, the president of the Supreme People's Court, the procurator-general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, some vice-chairpersons of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and members of the Central Military Commission attended the ceremony.

Present at the ceremony were also leading officials of central authorities and Beijing Municipality, representatives of the laureates' relatives and units they work for, representatives of previous honorees, diplomatic envoys of relevant countries to China, officials and representatives from all walks of life, totaling about 1,000 people.

Xi urges boosting building of community for Chinese nation

BEIJING, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- The National Conference on Commending Models for Ethnic Unity and Progress was held in Beijing on the morning of Sept. 27. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the conference and delivered an important speech. He emphasized the need to comprehensively implement the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially the important thinking on strengthening and improving work on ethnic affairs. He stressed that, with a focus on forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, it is imperative to continuously advance the cause of ethnic unity and progress, promote the high-quality development of the Party's work on ethnic affairs in the new era, boost the building of a community for the Chinese nation, and tirelessly strive for the building of a strong country and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese modernization.

Li Qiang presided over the conference, and Wang Huning read out the commendation decision, with Zhao Leji, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, and Li Xi in attendance.

At 10 a.m., the conference began, and all attendees stood up and sang the national anthem of the People's Republic of China.

Wang Huning read out the Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Commending Model Groups and Individuals for Ethnic Unity and Progress. A total of 352 model groups and 368 model individuals were honored.

Amid the joyful music, President Xi and others presented awards to representatives of the commended model individuals and exemplary groups.

Amid a warm applause, Xi delivered an important speech. On behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, Xi first extended congratulations to the commended model groups and individuals, and expressed sincere greetings to comrades on the work front of ethnic affairs and people from all walks of life who care about and support the cause of ethnic unity and progress.

Xi pointed out that the CPC has always attached great importance to work on ethnic affairs. For over 100 years, we have persisted in combining Marxist ethnic theory with the specific realities of China's ethnic issues and with the best of traditional Chinese culture, creatively blazing a right path with Chinese characteristics to solve ethnic issues. On this path, the CPC has united and led the people of all ethnic groups in the country to achieve national independence and people's liberation, creating a new situation of developing equal, united, mutually supportive, and harmonious relations among all ethnic groups. It has promoted unprecedented progress in the economic and social development in ethnic regions and improved their lives. China's ethnic minorities, regions of ethnic groups, relations between different ethnic groups, and the Chinese nation have undergone profound and historic changes.

Xi said that since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have continuously promoted the efforts to adapt Marxist ethnic theories to the Chinese context and the needs of the times, and made it clear that fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation should be a focus in the Party's work on ethnic affairs in the new era and a focus in the work on all fronts in ethnic regions. As a result, the Party's important thinking on strengthening and improving the work on ethnic affairs has been formed, and we have promoted ethnic regions to join the other parts of the country in securing a victory in the fight against poverty, finished the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and embarked on a new journey to build China into a modern socialist country in all respects. The Party has achieved new historic progress in its work on ethnic affairs.

Xi pointed out that on the path with Chinese characteristics to handling ethnic affairs with a focus on the fundamental and overall interests of the Chinese nation, we have maximized the cohesion among all ethnic groups, so that they can strive in unity to achieve shared prosperity and development. On that path, we have adhered to the principle of equality among all ethnic groups and opposed oppression and discrimination among different ethnic groups, which ensure that people of all ethnic groups truly enjoy equal political rights and jointly run the country. On that path, we have handled well the relation between maintaining national unity and implementing regional ethnic autonomy, combining unity with autonomy, and integrating ethnic and regional factors, to see that the Chinese nation becomes a community with a stronger sense of identity and a greater level of cohesion. Practice has proven that this path is a completely correct one.

Xi emphasized that the Chinese nation, with a civilization spanning over 5,000 years, is a great nation. All ethnic groups have collectively developed the vast territory of the motherland, created a unified multi-ethnic country, written the glorious history of China, developed the brilliant Chinese culture, and cultivated the great national spirit. The intermingling of bloodlines of all ethnic groups has laid the historical foundation for the formation and development of a community for the Chinese nation. The shared convictions of all ethnic groups have served as the endogenous driving force for the founding of a unified multi-ethnic country. The cultural connections among all ethnic groups are the cultural genes that have shaped the pluralistic and integrated civilization of the Chinese nation. The economic interdependence of all ethnic groups is the powerful force for building a unified economy. The emotional bonds among all ethnic groups are the strong ties that bind the Chinese nation as one family. The formation and development of a community for the Chinese nation is the will of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, the trend of the times, and a historical inevitability.

Xi stressed the importance of steadfastly adhering to the leadership of the Party, and guiding people of all ethnic groups to continuously strengthen their identification with the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the CPC, and socialism with Chinese characteristics. Efforts should be made to sharpen the awareness that people from all ethnic groups are in the same community, where they share weal and woe, stick together in life and death, and continuously consolidate the common ideological and political foundation for all ethnic groups to strive in unity.

Xi called for further efforts to build a shared spiritual home for the Chinese nation and deepen inculcation of public awareness of patriotism, collectivism and socialism with core socialist values as guidance. He also stressed that people from all ethnic groups should be helped to develop a correct understanding of state, history, ethnicity, culture and religions, and efforts should be intensified on historical and cultural education for young people. He added that the use of standard spoken and written Chinese should be promoted in an all-round way to provide strong spiritual and cultural support for building a community for the Chinese nation.

Xi noted that to advance Chinese modernization and achieve common prosperity, not a single ethnic group should be left behind. It is imperative to speed up high-quality development in regions with large ethnic minority populations, promote closer economic connection and integration among all regions, and take solid steps to promote common prosperity among all ethnic groups. It is essential to remain committed to ensuring and improving the people's wellbeing in the course of pursuing development, and do more practical work to meet people's needs, deliver real benefits to the people and win their approval, so as to meet the people's aspirations for a better life.

Xi stressed that all-round integration among all ethnic groups should be facilitated to promote exchanges and interactions among them. It is a must to coordinate planning of socioeconomic development and allocation of public resources, strengthen infrastructure construction such as transportation and other facilities in border and ethnic regions, proactively promote the people-centered new urbanization, and orderly boost population flow among ethnic groups and make it possible for people from different ethnic groups to dwell as neighbors, so that they would cling together like pomegranate seeds.

Xi pointed out the necessity to govern ethnic affairs in accordance with the law, and continuously improve the capability for governing ethnic affairs. It is a must to uphold and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy, gradually improve relevant laws, regulations and differentiated policies to support regional development, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all ethnic groups in accordance with the law. It is also a must to strengthen publicity and education on the rule of law, and guide people from all ethnic groups to enhance their awareness of the state, citizenship and the rule of law.

Xi stressed that CPC committees and governments at all levels should place work on ethnic affairs high on their agenda, study and resolve key issues in this regard in a timely manner, strengthen the efforts to foster high-caliber officials and talents in ethnic regions, and attach importance to fostering officials from ethnic minority groups and put them on posts where they can put to the best use their capabilities. It is necessary to improve the institutional mechanism for forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, give full play to the leading role of role models, and create a favorable atmosphere for society-wide attention and support for work on ethnic affairs.

While presiding over the conference, Li Qiang pointed out that, in his speech, General Secretary Xi comprehensively summarized the great achievements the country has made in promoting ethnic unity and progress over the past 75 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially in the new era. The speech profoundly revealed the root and soul of the formation and development of the sense of community for the Chinese nation, and clearly put forward the overall requirements for consolidating the sense of community for the Chinese nation and promoting the building of a community for the Chinese nation on the new journey in the new era. With profound insight and broad vision, it is a programmatic document for promoting the building of a community for the Chinese nation. We must conscientiously study, understand, and thoroughly implement it. We must fully implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on strengthening and improving work on ethnic affairs, profoundly understand the decisive significance of "Two Affirmations," resolutely act on "Two Upholds," closely focus on consolidating the strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, promote the high-quality development of the Party's work in this regard, and make unremitting efforts for building a modern socialist country in all respects.

Representatives of the commended model individuals and groups delivered speeches at the meeting.

Some members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and members of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, leaders of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the State Council, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the Central Military Commission attended the conference.

Representatives of the commended exemplary groups and individuals, leading officials of the relevant departments from various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and leading officials from central authorities attended the conference. Enditem


"Two Affirmations":

The Party has established Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and defined the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

"Two Upholds":

"Two Upholds" refer to upholding General Secretary Xi Jinping's core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and upholding the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership.

Xi encourages industrial workers to contribute to full revitalization of northeast China

BEIJING, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently sent a reply letter to representatives of industrial workers from China First Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (CFHI), expressing warm encouragement and earnest expectations for them.

Xi said he visited CFHI twice and was deeply impressed by the persistent pursuit of technological innovation and product quality by the workers there. In recent years, CFHI workers have focused on tackling core technological challenges in major equipment manufacturing and made many new breakthroughs, demonstrating patriotism and creativity of Chinese industrial workers in the new era.

Xi stressed that manufacturing is the foundation of a country and the basis of a strong nation, expressing his hope that on the new journey in the new era, the workers will adhere to the original aspiration of serving the country with skills, promote the spirit of model workers, the value of work and the spirit of workmanship, diligently hone skills, improve competence, and continue to contribute wisdom and strength to building a country that is strong in manufacturing and to promoting the full revitalization of northeast China. Centrally administered enterprises should boost reform and innovation, enhance their core functions and competitiveness, and strive to become stronger, better and bigger. They should contribute more to the endeavor to build a great country and realize national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization.

CFHI is a leading equipment manufacturer headquartered in the city of Qiqihar, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, Xi has inspected CFHI's manufacturing bases twice and made instructions on its reform and innovation as well as operation and management. Representatives of the company's industrial workers awarded the title of role model wrote a letter to Xi recently, highlighting their efforts to strengthen technological research and development following Xi's instructions, and expressing their determination to contribute to the full revitalization of northeast China and the cause of building China into a great country.

Xi chairs CPC leadership meeting to analyze economic situation, arrange for economic work

BEIJING, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- The Political Bureau of Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a meeting on September 26 to analyze and discuss the current economic situation and make plans for future economic work. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting.

It was noted at the meeting that since the beginning of this year, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has led the people of all ethnic groups in tackling difficulties and challenges calmly, intensifying macroeconomic regulation, focusing on deepening reform and opening up, expanding domestic demand, and optimizing economic structure. As a result, the overall economic operation has been generally stable, with progress being made and overall situation stable. New quality productive forces have been steadily advanced, solid work done to secure people's livelihood, efforts made in preventing and defusing risks in key areas, high-quality development solidly promoted, and overall social stability maintained.

It was pointed out at the meeting that the fundamentals and favorable conditions of China's economy, such as a broad market, strong economic resilience, and great potential, remain unchanged. At the same time, there are some new developments and problems in the current economic performance. It is imperative to calmly and objectively look at the current economic situation in an overall perspective, face up to difficulties, have greater confidence, and strengthen our sense of responsibility and urgency in doing a good job in economic work. It is also imperative to focus efforts on key areas, take a proactive approach, effectively implement existing policies, intensify the introduction of new policies, make policy measures even more targeted and effective, and strive to fulfill the annual economic and social development goals and tasks.

The need was emphasized at the meeting to increase the intensity of countercyclical adjustments in fiscal and monetary policies, ensuring necessary fiscal expenditures, and do solid work to make sure that people's basic living needs are met, salaries are paid, and governments function smoothly at the primary level. It is necessary to issue and put to good use ultra long-term special treasury bonds and special local government bonds, and better leverage government investment to drive development. The reserve requirement ratio should be lowered, and so should interest rates in a powerful manner. Efforts should be made to reverse the downturn of and stabilize the real estate market, strictly control the increase of new commodity housing projects, optimize the existing stock, and improve the quality. Greater efforts should be made to provide loans for projects on the "white list" and support the efforts to make good use of idle land resources.

The need was also stressed at the meeting to respond to public concerns by adjusting policies restricting housing purchases, lowering interest rates on existing housing loans, and promptly improving policies related to land, fiscal and tax matters, and finance to promote the establishment of a new model for real estate development. Efforts should be made to boost the capital market, vigorously guide medium- and long-term funds into the stock market, and clear the hurdles for funds from social insurance, insurance, and wealth management into the stock market as well. Mergers and restructuring of listed companies should be supported, and reform of publicly-offered funds should be steadily advanced. Policies should be studied and introduced to protect the interests of small and medium investors.

Furthermore, the need was noted at the meeting to assist enterprises in overcoming difficulties and to further regularize the way laws are enforced and supervision conducted over enterprises. It is essential to formulate a private sector promotion law to foster a favorable environment for the development of the non-public sector. It is imperative to integrate the efforts to boost consumption and improve people's wellbeing, enable the low- and middle-income groups to earn more and optimize the consumption structure. New forms of business for consumption should be cultivated. It is essential to support and regulate private entities' involvement in the development of elderly care and childcare industries, and speed up refining the policies for boosting birth rate. Efforts should be intensified to attract and secure investment, speed up reform measures such as allowing foreign investment access to the manufacturing sector, and further optimize a world-class business environment that is market-oriented, law-based and internationalized.

It was stressed at the meeting that people's basic living needs must be met. Priority should be given to the employment for fresh college graduates, migrant workers, those lifted out of poverty, and zero-employment families. Aid should be strengthened for employment-challenged groups such as the older adults, persons with disabilities, and those who have been unemployed for a long time. It was also emphasized that the assistance should be strengthened for low-income earners. Efforts should be made to ensure the adequate supplies and stabilize the prices of essential goods such as food, water, electricity, gas, and heating. Moreover, it is important to effectively promote agricultural production, show enough concern for increasing the income of rural residents, do a good job in agricultural work in autumn and winter, and thus safeguard national food security.

All regions and departments were required to earnestly implement the CPC Central Committee's decisions and arrangements, get down to work, unite as one, and stimulate as much as possible the whole society's enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity in advancing high-quality development so as to promote sound and steady economic growth, according to the meeting. CPC members and officials were urged to take on responsibility and pursue innovation, and hone their capabilities and make achievement through overcoming difficulties and challenges. It is essential to set right benchmarks for selection and appointment of officials, and apply "three distinctions" to throw weight behind those who proactively take on responsibilities and those who do their work earnestly. It is also imperative to support economic powerhouse provinces to play leading and pillar roles in propelling the country's economic development.

Other matters were also discussed at the meeting. Enditem

Note: "The three distinctions" refers to those between errors caused by lack of experience in pilot reforms and deliberate violations of discipline and law; between errors made in conducting experiments that are not explicitly restricted by higher-level authorities and arbitrary violations of discipline and law in the face of higher-level authorities' explicit prohibition; and between unwitting errors made in pursuing development and violations of discipline and law for personal gains.

Xi stresses cultivating more high-caliber journalism, communication professionals

BEIJING, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently replied to a letter from the faculty and students of the Communication University of China on the occasion of its 70th anniversary, extending congratulations and greetings to the faculty, students and alumni of the university.

Xi urged the university to take solid steps to implement the fundamental task of fostering virtues and educating people on the new journey in the new era. He emphasized the importance of focusing on the needs of the press and public communication, highlighting the university's distinctive features, deepening reform and innovation, and continuously improving its teaching and research capacity, in a bid to cultivate more high-caliber journalism and communication professionals and make new contributions to the development of the Party's cause concerning public communication and culture.

The predecessor of the university was founded in 1954 as a technical training program of the central administration for broadcasting. In 2004, it changed its name from Beijing Broadcasting Institute to the Communication University of China.

Recently, the faculty and students of the university wrote a letter to Xi, reporting on the achievements of the university in the past 70 years, especially since the 18th CPC National Congress, and expressing their determination to better serve the Party's work on public communication and culture and to contribute to advancing Chinese modernization.

Xi urges continuously promoting ethnic unity across generations

BEIJING, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently replied to a letter by descendants of the representatives from diverse ethnic groups who established an oath-taking monument featuring ethnic unity in Pu'er.

In his letter, Xi conveyed warm encouragement and sincere wishes to the descendants. He pointed out that representatives from various ethnic groups, including their ancestors, erected the monument in 1951 and made a solemn pledge to stay united and follow the Party. For over 70 years, people from all ethnic groups have stood in solidarity with the Party and worked in unity, making historic achievements in the economic and social development of border regions. This has written a vivid chapter of ethnic unity and progress, Xi said.

Xi stressed that the Chinese nation is a big family where 56 ethnic groups love and care for each other. He expressed the hope that descendants of these representatives will carry forward the proud traditions of their ancestors, add new chapters to the story of the oath-taking monument, and let the tale of ethnic unity be passed down from generation to generation. People of all ethnic groups should enhance their sense of community for the Chinese nation, safeguard the motherland and build a better home together, so as to let the flower of ethnic unity and progress bloom more brilliantly.

In 1950, representatives of different ethnic groups in Pu'er, Yunnan Province, were invited to Beijing to participate in celebrations marking the first founding anniversary of the People's Republic of China. They were warmly received by Party and state leaders, including Mao Zedong. On Jan. 1, 1951, the people from various ethnic groups of Pu'er held an oath-taking rally to put up the monument following the customs of the ethnic minorities, pledging to stay united under the leadership of the CPC and strive for building an equal, free and prosperous society. A total of 48 representatives signed their names on the monument. In recent days, their descendants wrote to General Secretary Xi Jinping, reporting on the happy life of local ethnic communities under the Party's leadership and expressing their resolve to uphold their oath, follow the Party, and contribute to ethnic unity and the prosperity of the border regions.

Xi stresses cultivating more high-caliber officials for Xinjiang

BEIJING, Sept. 22 (Xinhua) -- On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of a training program for ethnic officials in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region under the Party School of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made an important instruction, pointing out that establishing the program was an important decision of the CPC Central Committee. Over the past 70 years, the program has been advancing in tandem with the cause of the Party and the country. It has gone through an extraordinary journey, cultivating outstanding officials who are loyal and honest to the Party, command profound theoretical knowledge, grasp policies accurately, and are dedicated to serving the people. The program has played a significant role in strengthening the ranks of officials, boosting economic and social development, and promoting social stability and long-term security in Xinjiang, Xi said.

Noting that the 70th anniversary of the training program should be seen as a new starting point on the new journey, Xi emphasized the need to follow the guidance of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly study and implement the guiding principles from the 20th CPC National Congress and the second and third plenary sessions of the 20th CPC Central Committee, and fully implement the guiding principles from the second and third central symposiums on work related to Xinjiang. It is imperative to fully and faithfully implement the Party's policy for the governance of Xinjiang, and adhere to Party schools' original aspiration of cultivating talent for the Party and providing policy advice to the Party. Efforts should be made to improve regular training, especially the basic training mechanism, in line with Xinjiang officials' characteristics and their practical needs in work. Persistent efforts should be made to use the Party's new theories for the new era to help the officials maintain firm ideals and convictions and foster a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation throughout the process of running the training program. It is important to strengthen research on the basic theories and key issues of ethnic affairs and improve the quality and effectiveness of the training program, thereby cultivating more loyal, upright and responsible high-caliber officials for Xinjiang, Xi said.

Xi stressed further improving the working mechanism in which relevant central departments offer guidance and coordination, Xinjiang provides support, and the Party School of the CPC Central Committee plays the leading role. Various policies should be implemented to create favorable conditions and provide a strong guarantee for the success of the training program, he said.

A symposium marking the 70th anniversary of the training program was held on Saturday in Beijing. Chen Xi, president of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National Academy of Governance), read out Xi's instruction and delivered a speech at the symposium. Chen underscored the need to thoroughly study and implement Xi's important instruction and his discourses on the work of Party schools, map out a coordinated plan for the training program with a focus on fulfilling the Party's central task in the new era, and ensure that the guiding principles from the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee are effectively implemented in Xinjiang. It is necessary to make education and training more systematic and targeted based on the characteristics of the officials in Xinjiang and their practical needs in work, carry out basic training effectively, arm the officials with the Party's new theories, and enhance education on fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. It is necessary to advance reform and innovation and pool strength from various sides to nurture more loyal, upright and responsible high-caliber officials for Xinjiang, Chen said.

Leading officials of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National Academy of Governance) and the CPC Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regional Committee, as well as representatives of the organizers and participants of the training program, made speeches at the symposium.

Xi urges continuous efforts to run people's congresses to good effect

BEIJING, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) -- The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) held a grand meeting at the Great Hall of the People on the morning of Sept. 14 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the NPC. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. He stressed the need to further firm up confidence in the path, theory, system and culture, develop whole-process people's democracy, and continuously uphold, improve and run the system of people's congresses to good effect to provide a solid institutional guarantee for the Party and the people to achieve their goals on the new journey in the new era.

Li Qiang, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang and Li Xi, who are members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and Vice President Han Zheng, attended the event. The meeting was presided over by Zhao Leji, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the NPC Standing Committee.

The meeting commenced amidst the resounding national anthem. Xi delivered an important speech. He pointed out that the system of people's congresses is the result of the arduous exploration and long-term struggles of the Chinese people under the CPC leadership. It is an entirely new political system that has grown from the Chinese soil and a great invention in the evolution of political institutions. The establishment of this system marked a great transformation in China's political system, signifying a great shift from a power structure where the power was concentrated in the hands of a few while the majority faced oppression and exploitation, to one that is led by the Party and empowers the people to govern the country as its masters.

Xi emphasized that over the past 70 years, the system of people's congresses has, under the Party's leadership, effectively ensured that our country continues to advance along the socialist path. It has demonstrated significant political advantages in guaranteeing that the Party leads the people in governing the country according to law, ensuring that the people are the masters of the country, maintaining political life that is both vibrant and orderly, promoting the rule of law in all aspects of national governance, and safeguarding long-term stability and peace. This system has provided an important institutional guarantee for creating miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability. Practice has proven that the people's congress system is a sound system that accords with China's national conditions and realities, embodies the nature of socialist countries, and effectively rallies the strength of all Chinese people to advance Chinese modernization.

Xi pointed out that since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, our Party has stood at a new historical juncture, gained a deep understanding of the new changes to the principal contradictions in Chinese society, actively responded to the people's new demands and aspirations for democracy and rule of law, and improved the organizational and working systems of people's congresses, making historic achievements in its work. We adhere to adapting the basic tenets of Marxism to China's specific realities and fine traditional Chinese culture, deeply grasp the laws governing the development of socialist democracy, and continuously promote theoretical and practical innovations in the system of people's congresses. Noting that the system of people's congresses is an important institutional vehicle for realizing whole-process people's democracy in China, Xi said it is imperative to uphold the CPC's leadership, adhere to the use of a system of institutions to ensure that the people run the country, exercise law-based governance on all fronts, uphold democratic centralism, and stick to the path of socialist political advancement with Chinese characteristics. Efforts must be made to modernize China's system and capacity for governance, give full play to the role of deputies to people's congresses, strengthen the self-improvement efforts of people's congresses at various levels to uphold their four-fold role as political, working, representative institutions, and institutions of state power. This series of new concepts, ideas and requirements form the Party's important thoughts on upholding and improving the system of people's congresses, providing fundamental guidance for the high-quality development of people's congresses in the new era, Xi said.

Xi emphasized the need to give full play to the role of people's congresses in ensuring full and effective implementation of the Constitution and laws. People's congresses at all levels and their standing committees must fully perform their functions, firmly safeguard the unity, dignity, and authority of the country's legal system, ensure effective implementation of the Constitution and laws, and make sure that all state organs fulfill their duties and carry out their work within the scope permitted by the Constitution and laws.

It is important that people's congresses play a leading role in legislative work, Xi said. He urges efforts to improve the legislative framework featuring guidance from Party committees, the leading role played by people's congresses, support from the government, and participation by all parties. Efforts should be made to step up legislation in key, emerging, and foreign-related fields, improve the quality of legislation, and continuously improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics. He also urged efforts to accelerate the improvement of a legal system featuring equal rights, equal opportunities and fair rules for all to ensure that citizens fully enjoy their rights.

Xi emphasized the need to give full play to the key role of the oversight by people's congresses in the Party and state supervision systems. It is imperative to improve the system through which people's congresses oversee the government, the supervisory commissions, the people's courts and the people's procuratorates. Xi urged people's congresses to strengthen oversight of the implementation of the Constitution and laws, and intensify the review and oversight of government budgets and final accounts and the oversight over the management of state-owned assets and government debts. People's congresses should work to promote the implementation of the CPC Central Committee's decisions and plans, and ensure that all state organs exercise their powers by law and that the legitimate rights and interests of the people are safeguarded and realized. Administrative, supervisory, adjudicatory and procuratorial organs at various levels should readily accept oversight from people's congresses and effectively fulfill their respective supervisory duties, he said.

Xi pointed out that people's congresses should play an exemplary role in maintaining close ties with the people. All state organs and their employees must foster a strong sense of service to the people, put the people above all else, and maintain close ties with them. Deputies to people's congresses shoulder the honorable duties entrusted to them by the people, Xi noted, urging them to faithfully represent the interests and will of the people, and serve as the bridge that links the Party and the state with the people. He stressed the need for all state organs to provide support for the deputies to the people's congresses to perform their duties in accordance with the law, improve the systems and mechanisms for contact with deputies, and ensure that deputies reach out to the public on a greater variety of issues and in more diversified ways.

Xi emphasized that party committees at all levels should strengthen their overall leadership over the work of the people's congresses, and support the people's congresses and their standing committees in exercising their powers and carrying out their work in accordance with the law. The leading Party members groups of the standing committees of the people's congresses at all levels should always adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, fulfill their main responsibilities for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and strengthen the political, ideological, organizational, work style, and disciplinary construction of the people's congresses in line with the requirement to uphold the four-fold role. They should train personnel that maintain political resolve, serve the people, respect the rule of law, promote democracy, and are diligent and responsible, and continuously improve the quality and level of the people's congress work in the new era and on the new journey.

While presiding over the meeting, Zhao Leji said that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech reviewed the glorious course of the CPC leading the Chinese people in establishing and improving the system of people's congresses, and profoundly expounded on the remarkable political advantages of the system. The speech has systematically summarized the major achievements in theoretical and practical innovations of the system in the new era, and made comprehensive arrangements and clear requirements for upholding, improving, and running the system at a new historical starting point. The speech is forward-looking and inspires people to forge ahead. It enriches and develops Xi's important thoughts on upholding and improving the system, and is a guiding document shining with the brilliance of the truth of Marxism. We must study and comprehend it earnestly and firmly implement it. We must gain a deep understanding of the decisive significance of establishing Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and establishing the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and consciously uphold Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We must unwaveringly keep to the path of socialist political advancement with Chinese characteristics, and uphold, improve and run the system of people's congresses to good effect.

The meeting was attended by members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, vice chairpersons of the NPC Standing Committee, State Councilors, president of the Supreme People's Court, procurator general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, some vice chairpersons of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, senior comrades who had assumed leading positions at the NPC Standing Committee, as well as members of the Central Military Commission in Beijing.

Approximately 3,000 people attended the meeting, including leaders from various departments of the CPC Central Committee, government, military and people's organizations as well as leading officials from Beijing, leaders of the central committees of democratic parties and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, representatives of non-party personages, members of the NPC Standing Committee and various special committees, senior officials from the standing committees of people's congresses at the provincial, regional and municipal levels, some NPC deputies, representatives from all walks of life in the capital, and foreign envoys in China.

Xi calls for deepening reform in Gansu to advance Chinese modernization

LANZHOU, Gansu/BAOJI, Shaanxi, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, stressed in an inspection tour in Gansu Province that the province must thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements by the Party's Central Committee on large-scale development of the western region and the ecological conservation and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin, fully and faithfully implement the new development philosophy on all fronts, and adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability. Efforts should be made in strengthening ecological protection and restoration, accelerating green and low-carbon transformation, further comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, promoting all-round rural revitalization, strengthening livelihood security, and promoting ethnic unity, so as to accelerate the building of a happy and beautiful new Gansu, constantly break new ground of enriching the people and rejuvenating Gansu, and strive to write a Gansu chapter in Chinese modernization.

From Sept. 10 to 13, Xi, accompanied by Hu Changsheng, secretary of the CPC Gansu Provincial Committee, and Ren Zhenhe, governor of Gansu, made an inspection tour to Tianshui and Lanzhou and other localities.

On the afternoon of Sept. 10, Xi visited the Fuxi Temple, a major historical and cultural site protected at the national level, in Tianshui City, where he learned about the protection and preservation of cultural heritage. He pointed out that the Fuxi Temple has a high historical and cultural value, and it is imperative to protect and pass on the precious cultural heritage, so that the wisdom and creativity of ancestors will constantly inspire future generations and enhance national pride and confidence.

On the morning of Sept. 11, Xi visited a Huaniu apple production base in the Maiji district of Tianshui City. He listened to the report of a project to divert water from the Taohe River while viewing a relevant display board, and recalled his inspection at the construction site and guiding the solution of construction problems in early 2013. Xi was delighted when he learned that nearly 6 million people had stopped using brackish water. He called for strengthening maintenance and management of the project, so that it will play a greater role in the production and life of people along the project.

Red Huaniu apples hanging on the branches showed a harvest scene. Xi went into the fruit-bearing forest and learned about the relevant planting, technology and management. He said the key to rural revitalization is industrial revitalization. After more than 70 years of cultivation and development, the brand of Huaniu apple has become more famous. He called for strengthened efforts to protect and optimize cultivation of this variety and apply new marketing models so that this specialty industry will be expanded, and more people will increase their incomes. He wished villagers a prosperous life.

Xi then visited the Maijishan Grottoes, where he carefully inspected the caves, sculptures and paintings that date back over 1,600 years, and had cordial talks with conservation and restoration personnel. He said that China's four major grottoes are the treasures of Chinese civilization, all of which have important historical and cultural value. He called on cultural relic workers to continue the "Mogao Spirit," devote themselves to protecting national treasures, and make greater contributions to promoting the inheritance and innovative development of China's traditional culture and enhancing the influence of Chinese culture.

On the afternoon of Sept. 11, Xi visited Lanzhou. At a service center for Party members and residents of Zaolinxi Community in Anning District, he inspected the comprehensive service platform, recreational and sports activities room and community canteen, meticulously asked about the role of the community's Party organizations, improvement of services for the benefit of residents and the burden reduction for grassroots units, and watched the retirees' chorus rehearsal. He also came to the adjacent Liujiapu police station to learn about the practice and effectiveness of designating police to communities. He emphasized the necessity of focusing on the practical needs of residents, especially the elderly and children, and continuously improving community services. It is imperative to adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao model" in the new era, and make more solid progress on community-level governance and social security. Work must be done to continue to take actions against the practice of formalism to reduce the burden on the grassroots units, so that grassroots cadres can devote more time and energy to serving the people.

At the home of Li Zongbiao, a retired Party member, Xi sat and chatted with Li's family. He was pleased to see three generations of the family living happily. Xi said that the people's livelihood is the top priority, and the CPC Central Committee very much cares about the happiness and well-being of the elderly. Local authorities have worked hard in providing elderly care, healthcare and community services and the work must continue and improve over time.

In a community square, residents crowded around and Xi told them that we will soon celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China. Over the past 75 years, our country has made great historic achievements in its development. Now the whole Party and the people of the whole country are striving to advance Chinese modernization. We should unite more closely together and work harder to forge ahead for greater progress, he said. He extended his holiday greetings to the residents ahead of this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, wishing every household peace, health and happiness.

Later, Xi visited a section of the Yellow River near the Zhongshan Bridge in Lanzhou. During the inspection, he took a riverside walk and learned about the ecological protection of the Yellow River. Xi told the cadres and the masses present that the Yellow River is the mother river of the Chinese nation, and Lanzhou is the only provincial capital where the Yellow River runs through. He called on everyone to be grateful, to participate and fulfill their duty in the joint protection of the Yellow River, so that the mother river will continue to benefit future generations.

On the morning of Sept. 13, Xi listened to the work report from the CPC Gansu Provincial Committee and the provincial government, and affirmed the province's achievements in various work.

Gansu should promote new-type industrialization, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, strengthen and improve industries with distinctive advantages, actively develop strategic emerging industries, develop new quality productive forces in light of local conditions, and build a significant national manufacturing base for new energy and new-energy-related equipment. He also urged the province to actively cultivate modern specialty agriculture in cold and arid climate, and nurture a number of competitive agricultural brands. Efforts should also be made to promote the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grass and sand there, and fortify the ecological security shelter in the western part of the country, Xi said.

He stressed the need for the province to deepen reform and expand opening up with greater courage and determination, actively integrate into the building of a unified national market, deepen reform related to state assets and state-owned enterprises, and encourage and support the development of the non-public sector. Efforts should also be made to implement the people-centered new urbanization strategy effectively, enhance the comprehensive carrying capacity of the counties, expand the county economy, and promote the integrated urban and rural development. Xi urged the province to take the initiative to serve and align local development with coordinated regional development strategy, expand cross-provincial cooperation, and deeply integrate itself into high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and the construction of the new western land-sea corridor.

Xi pointed out that Gansu Province has a profound historical and cultural heritage and is rich in resources of revolutionary culture. It is necessary to carry forward the revolutionary traditions and strengthen cultural heritage protection, he said. Efforts should be made to support the Dunhuang Academy in its efforts to become an example of world cultural heritage protection and a center of Dunhuang studies, and advance the building of the national cultural parks dedicated to the Great Wall, the Long March and the Yellow River, so as to provide a powerful source of inspiration for modernization. Efforts should also be made to further integrate culture and tourism, developing the cultural tourism sector into a pillar industry, he said.

Xi emphasized the need to promote social advancement and governance and establish a solid foundation for common prosperity among all ethnic groups. It is important to pool resources to address the demands of the people and accomplish practical livelihood projects that are tangible and accessible to the people. Work must be done to consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation, and prevent any risk of lapsing or relapsing into poverty en masse in rural areas. Efforts should be made to promote the transformation of rural customs to cultivate a civilized rural atmosphere, continuously forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and strengthen the governance of religious affairs in accordance with the law. He emphasized efforts to ensure the basic needs of the people affected by the earthquake that struck Jishishan County are met, and advance post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, making sure the people are safe and warm during the winter. Work must be done to effectively ensure workplace safety, he said.

Xi underscored the importance of unswervingly upholding the Party's leadership and strengthening Party building. It is imperative to motivate cadres at all levels to enhance their awareness of reform and innovation, carry out Party discipline education on a regular basis to achieve long-term effectiveness, guide Party members and cadres to actively shoulder their responsibilities and take action under the premise of observing rules and disciplines and maintaining integrity, and consolidate a good political atmosphere of integrity, Xi said. Efforts are needed to strengthen primary-level Party building, he added.

On his way to Gansu, Xi, accompanied by Zhao Yide, secretary of the CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee, and Zhao Gang, governor of Shaanxi, inspected Baoji City on the afternoon of Sept. 10. Xi visited the Baoji Bronze Ware Museum. He pointed out that China's bronze civilization has a profound and glorious history, making it unique in the annals of world civilizations. It is imperative to enhance the protection, research and promotion of bronze cultural relics, and better inspire the entire society, especially young people, to love our great motherland and Chinese civilization. Xi also inspected an ecological park along the Weihe River.

Cai Qi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, accompanied Xi on the inspection tour.

He Lifeng and leading officials of relevant central and state organs also accompanied Xi on the inspection tour.

On the morning of Sept. 12, Xi met with senior officers at colonel-level and above, and representatives of model soldiers at the grassroots and civilian staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army troops stationed in Lanzhou. On behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, he extended sincere greetings to all officers and soldiers and had a group photo taken with them. He Weidong accompanied Xi at the meeting.

Xi stresses ecological protection, high-quality development in Yellow River Basin

LANZHOU, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) -- On the afternoon of September 12, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, chaired a symposium in Lanzhou, Gansu Province on comprehensively promoting ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin and delivered an important speech. He emphasized the need to earnestly implement the guiding principles from the 20th CPC National Congress and the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, firmly grasp the strategic requirements of prioritizing protection and governance, use further comprehensive reform as a driving force, adhere to ecological priority and green development, implement water-based planning and prioritize water conservation, adapt measures to local conditions and implement targeted policies, plan comprehensively and promote coordination, so as to promote new progress in ecological protection across the basin, green transformation, high-quality development, and improvement in the people's livelihood, opening new grounds for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin.

Cai Qi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, and Ding Xuexiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, attended the symposium.

At the symposium, Zheng Shanjie, head of the National Development and Reform Commission, Hu Changsheng, secretary of the CPC Gansu Provincial Committee, Zhao Yide, secretary of the CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee, and Lou Yangsheng, secretary of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee, delivered speeches in turn, reporting on the progress of promoting ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin and offering opinions and suggestions. Leaders of other provincial-level regions attending the symposium submitted written speeches.

After listening to the speeches, Xi delivered an important speech. He pointed out that since the CPC Central Committee proposed the strategy for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, the ecological environment quality of the basin has steadily improved, water safety has been continuously strengthened, the foundation for energy and food security has been reinforced, and there have been many highlights in high-quality development. The ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin have reached a higher starting point. However, there are still many challenges that need to be further addressed.

Xi emphasized the need to continuously improve the holistic framework of ecological protection and collaboration in the Yellow River Basin and strengthen the national ecological security barrier. The approach to river governance should be more systematic, holistic, and coordinated, promoting the construction of an integrated ecological environment governance system for upstream and downstream, deeply implementing major projects for the protection and restoration of important ecosystems, and enhancing the stability of the basin's ecological system. It is necessary to strengthen the joint prevention and control of the "Three-North" (northern, northeastern, and northwestern) Shelterbelt Forest Program to enhance overall effectiveness. The comprehensive management of subsidence coal mining areas should be enhanced and new pathways for the transformation and development of resource-dependent regions should be actively explored. Progress in the fight against pollution should be made. The management of important tributaries and key lakes and reservoirs should be strengthened, and environmental infrastructure in river and lake areas should be improved. Xi urged efforts to enhance comprehensive air pollution control, accelerate the transformation to ultra-low emissions in key industries, and vigorously promote the clean and efficient use of coal. He called for efforts to implement legal regulations on "scattered, disorderly, and polluting" enterprises and effectively manage risk sources. He urged efforts to implement fiscal, tax, financial, investment, and pricing policies and standards to support green and low-carbon development. He called for efforts to improve the mechanism for realizing the value of ecological products and explore the establishment of a basin-wide, market-oriented, and diversified ecological protection compensation mechanism.

Xi stressed the need to implement the strictest water resource protection and utilization systems to improve the level of water resource conservation and intensive use. He urged efforts to strictly adhere to the upper limits of water resource development and utilization, refine measures for determining city planning, land use, population, and production based on water availability, establish a total water use control system covering the entire basin, and scientifically allocate water resources of the Yellow River and its tributaries. He urged efforts to strengthen groundwater level management and increase efforts to address groundwater over-extraction in the middle and lower reaches. He called for efforts to enhance the protection of drinking water sources, steadily optimize and adjust the water distribution plan of 1987, and actively explore and standardize the advancement of water rights trading and fully implement the water resource fee-to-tax reform. He urged efforts to implement water-saving actions and accelerate the construction of a water-saving society.

Xi emphasized the need to improve the disaster prevention and mitigation system and keep the Yellow River harnessed. He urged efforts to improve the water-sand regulation mechanism and enhance the regulation system centered around major water conservancy projects such as key reservoirs, adhere to unified prevention and control of the Yellow River and its tributaries, advance the governance of key river sections and hazardous areas, and ensure the safety of important dikes, reservoirs, and infrastructure. He called for coordinated efforts to advance major water conservancy projects of the Yellow River, strengthen disaster monitoring and warning, and enhance emergency response coordination. He called for ramping up efforts to identify and eliminate risks, strengthen public communication and education on disaster prevention and mitigation, and conduct regular and practical joint drills.

Xi highlighted the need to push for a full transition to a green development model and to build a modern industrial system with distinctive advantages. He urged sparing no effort in ensuring the production of grain and important agricultural products, strengthening the support of agricultural sci-tech and equipment, developing appropriately scaled agricultural operations and promoting specialty and advantageous agriculture based on local conditions. He stressed building high-standard farmland that can withstand both droughts and floods, securing results in the comprehensive transformation and utilization of saline-alkali land and improving the quality of arable land. He urged optimizing the layout of major project construction to minimize the impact on surface runoff and groundwater. He called for vigorous efforts to develop green and low-carbon economy, orderly advance the planning and construction of large wind and solar power bases and power transmission corridors, and accelerate the substitution of clean energy for fossil fuels in key industries. He stressed efforts to beef up industrial technological innovation capabilities, promote upgrades for energy conservation and carbon reduction and equipment renewal in key industries, strengthen strategic emerging industries and advanced manufacturing clusters, and develop new quality productive forces based on local conditions. He stressed encouraging universities and research institutions in the region to plan and establish technology transfer and industrialization service mechanisms to enhance the coordination of the industrial and innovation chains.

Xi emphasized the need to comprehensively deepen reform and expand opening up to boost high-quality development, deeply participate in the development of a unified national market, resolutely break various forms of local protectionism, deepen the reform of state-owned assets and enterprises, and fully implement policies to promote the development and growth of the private economy. He called for developing a regional economic layout and a territorial space system characterized by complementarity between different regions and territorial spaces, with megacities pursuing connotative development and cities along the Yellow River focusing on enhancing population concentration and industrial coordination. He stressed improving major cross-provincial infrastructure systems in transportation, energy and water conservancy, advancing the construction of new infrastructure, strengthening coordination with other regional strategies, promoting the coordinated development of free trade pilot zones, actively participating in high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and creating greater development opportunities through high-level opening up.

Xi said that it is necessary to coordinate the new urbanization and rural revitalization, and to steadily improve people's well-being. He urged guiding the coordinated development of large, medium and small cities and small towns, adopting an intensive and compact layout, enhancing the industrial and population carrying capacity of county towns, and alleviating the pressure on ecologically fragile areas. He called for better playing the role of county towns in connecting cities and driving rural development, and taking the lead in achieving integrated urban-rural development within the county. He stressed promoting the construction of villages on a categorized basis, and building a beautiful and harmonious countryside that is desirable to live and work in. He stressed strengthening the inclusive, basic, and bottom-line protection of livelihoods. He urged giving prominence to employment, and said both urban industrial development and rural industrial cultivation should focus on expanding employment capacity. He stressed consolidating and expanding the achievements in poverty alleviation, and forestalling any large-scale relapse into poverty. He urged fully implementing the Party's major principles and policies for work on ethnic affairs in the new era, deepening the promotion of ethnic unity and progress, administering ethnic and religious affairs in accordance with the law, and forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.

Xi emphasized that the Yellow River Basin is a crucial birthplace of the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization. Efforts should be made to protect and promote Yellow River culture, preserve historical and ethnic heritage, enhance the holistic and systematic protection of cultural and natural heritage, advance archaeological and other work, protect revolutionary culture resources, promote revolutionary culture, develop advanced socialist culture, fully tap the contemporary value of Yellow River culture, showcase the enterprising and tenacious spirit of the Chinese nation, integrate culture with tourism and build a Yellow River cultural tourism belt with international influence.

Xi pointed out that under the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Leading Group for Coordinated Regional Development should strengthen overall planning and guidance, relevant central departments should take the initiative and strengthen support, and the provincial and regional Party committees and governments along the Yellow River should assume primary responsibility, give full play to the initiative of all sectors of society, work together to perform the Yellow River Cantata of the new era, and make greater contributions to advancing Chinese modernization.

Xi emphasized that all regions and departments should earnestly implement the CPC Central Committee's economic work plans and major measures, focus on economic work for the rest of the third quarter as well as the fourth quarter, and strive to achieve the annual economic and social development goals.

Ding Xuexiang stated in his speech that the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and Xi's important speeches should be thoroughly studied and implemented. Ding called for adhering to ecological protection as a priority and green development, and continuously advancing the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin to new levels. He urged regarding well-coordinated environmental conservation as a key task, advancing environmental pollution control, and accelerating the construction of a solid and strong national ecological security barrier. He also called for carefully addressing the relationship between people and water resources, fully implementing the principle of planning urban development, land use, population, and production around water resources, and scientifically allocating water resources across the basin. He stressed leveraging respective comparative advantages based on functional zoning, enhancing industrial scientific and technological innovation capabilities, and developing new quality productive forces suited to local conditions. Ding also called for efforts in comprehensively deepening reform, better participating in the construction of a unified national market, and expanding the breadth and depth of both domestic and international opening up to inject strong impetus and vitality into ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin.

He Lifeng, Wu Zhenglong, Mu Hong and Jiang Xinzhi attended the symposium, and officials from relevant central departments and provincial-level regions also participated.

Xi stresses making solid progress toward building China into leading country in education

BEIJING, Sept. 11 (Xinhua) -- The National Conference on Education was held in Beijing from Sept. 9 to 10. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. He emphasized that building a leading country in education has been a long-cherished aspiration of the Chinese nation since the advent of modern times. It is a guiding task, solid foundation and strategic support for building China into a great country and realizing national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization. We must make solid progress toward this set goal.

Sept. 10 marks the 40th Teachers' Day in China. On behalf of the CPC Central Committee, Xi extended festive greetings and sincere regards to teachers and others working in the education sector across the country.

Li Qiang presided over the meeting. Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi and Li Xi attended the meeting. Ding Xuexiang delivered concluding remarks.

In his speech, Xi pointed out that education is the foundation of building a great country and achieving national rejuvenation. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, education has been considered a task of critical importance to the future of our country and our Party. We have fully implemented the Party's education policies. We have made major decisions to fully implement the strategy of invigorating China through science and education, accelerate the modernization of education system, and set the goal of becoming a leading country in education by 2035. Efforts have been made to strengthen the Party's overall leadership over education work and constantly promote reforms in the education systems and mechanisms, leading to historic achievements and structural changes in the education cause in the new era, with solid progress made in building a leading country in education.

Xi stressed that the leading country in education we aim to build is a leading country in education of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It should have strong ideological and political leadership, talent competitiveness, scientific and technological underpinning, livelihood security, social synergy, and international influence, providing robust support for building China into a great country and realizing national rejuvenation on all fronts by pursuing Chinese modernization.

Xi noted that building a leading country in education is a complex, systematic endeavor. We must focus on the fundamental task of fostering virtue and educating people, with a view to the goal of nurturing a new generation of capable young people with sound moral grounding, intellectual ability, physical vigor, aesthetic sensibility and work skills, who are builders of socialism and will carry forward the socialist cause. We must follow the path of socialism in managing schools, uphold and apply systems thinking, and correctly handle key relationships between supporting national strategies and meeting the needs of the people, between knowledge learning and well-rounded development, between cultivating talent and meeting societal needs, between adhering to rules and encouraging vitality, and between taking root in China and drawing on international experience.

Xi emphasized the importance of unswervingly using the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to educate people, and implementing the initiative to foster virtue through education for the new era. He highlighted the need to strengthen and improve ideological and political education in schools, educating and guiding young students to strengthen their belief in Marxism, conviction in socialism with Chinese characteristics and confidence in realizing national rejuvenation. Young students should be guided to stay devoted to contributing to the country and strengthening the country. They should be guided to strive courageously with a greater sense of responsibility. The successful cases of the great transformation of the new era should be consciously used, and revolutionary resources should be fully tapped in education. Efforts should be made to strengthen practice-based and online education. The use of standard Chinese language should be promoted to forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.

Xi called for coordinated implementation of the strategy for invigorating China through science and education, the workforce development strategy and the innovation-driven development strategy. Education development, scientific and technological innovation and talent cultivation should be promoted as an integrated effort. By focusing on sci-tech development and national strategic needs, innovation capacity should be improved, the layout of higher education should be optimized, and mechanisms for adjusting academic disciplines and talent cultivation models should be improved. More emphasis should be placed on basic, emerging and interdisciplinary subjects, as well as the cultivation of top-notch talent. Research cooperation between schools and enterprises should be strengthened to enable quicker transformation of sci-tech achievements into productive forces. The education system that promotes integration between vocational and general education, between industry and education should be established, and efforts should be made to cultivate high-caliber craftsmen and skilled talent.

Xi emphasized the need to adopt a people-centered approach and continuously improve the inclusiveness, accessibility and convenience of public education services so that more people can benefit from the results of education reform and development. Education resources should be better allocated across regions, with efforts to promote high-quality, balanced development of compulsory education, and to gradually narrow the gaps between urban and rural areas, different regions, schools, and groups. The achievements of "double reduction" in reducing the burden on students should be consolidated, with a focus on improving classroom teaching quality and enhancing after-school services. The national education digitization initiative should be fully implemented, with efforts to expand the coverage of high-quality education resources and improve public services for lifelong learning.

Xi also underscored the importance of implementing the initiative to enhance the morale and professionalism of teachers with the ethos of educators, emphasizing the need to strengthen the professional integrity and conduct of teachers, raise the quality of cultivating and training teachers, and cultivate a high-caliber teaching workforce for the new era. Teachers' political, social, and professional status should be elevated, their pay and welfare should be further guaranteed, and their professional dignity and legitimate rights and interests should be respected, helping teachers enjoy high social prestige and making teaching one of the most respected professions.

Xi also stressed the importance of deepening the opening up of education, balancing "bringing in" and "going global," and continuously enhancing China's international influence, competitiveness, and voice in education. International academic exchanges and cooperation on education and scientific research should be expanded, and China should actively participate in global education governance, to contribute more to the development of global education.

When presiding over the meeting, Li Qiang pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, from a strategic perspective concerning the overall development of the Party and the country, comprehensively summarized the historic achievements and structural changes in education in the new era. The speech also systematically explained the scientific connotation and fundamental approach for building a strong education system, expounded on the major relationships that need to be properly handled in the process, and laid out the strategic tasks and major initiatives for comprehensively building a strong education system. The speech features great insight and rich connotations and carries immense political, ideological, and guiding significance, serving as a framework document to guide education work on our new journey in the new era, and providing a clear direction for building a strong education system in the new era from a strategic perspective. We must thoroughly study, understand, and implement the spirit of the speech, aligning our thinking and actions with the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, and work in a pragmatic and result-oriented manner to write a new chapter in building a country leading in education.

In his closing remarks, Ding Xuexiang emphasized the need to thoroughly study and implement the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, and develop a deep understanding of the decisive significance of establishing Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and establishing the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is necessary to strengthen consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership; stay confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and uphold Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership. The political and strategic implications of education as well as its people-centeredness must be firmly grasped, and we must unswervingly follow the path of socialist education development with Chinese characteristics. Consistent efforts should be made to educate people using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and develop key courses to fulfill the fundamental task of fostering virtue and educating people. Education, science and technology, and human resources should be developed in an integrated manner. Systems and mechanisms for scientific and technological innovation at the college level should be improved. The cultivation of top-notch innovative talent should be enhanced. All these will play a vital role in supporting and leading Chinese modernization. The building of a high-quality education system should be accelerated, compulsory education should be equitably developed, and pressing public concerns in education should be effectively addressed. A high-caliber, professional teaching workforce should be built, the ethos of educators should be promoted, the ability to teach and educate people should be elevated, and the pay and welfare of teachers should be enhanced to consolidate the important foundation for building a leading country in education. Comprehensive reforms should be deepened, high-level openness should be promoted, and systems and mechanisms conducive to high-quality development of education should be set up. All localities and departments must work diligently to ensure the effective implementation of the meeting's guidelines.

At the meeting, officials from the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Science and Technology, as well as those from Liaoning, Shanghai, Hubei, Guizhou, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, and Peking University made presentations.

Prior to the meeting, Xi and other leaders met with representatives attending an event to mark the 40th Teachers' Day and honor model teachers and outstanding groups and institutions in the country's education sector. They shook hands and had group photos taken.

Members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, members of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, relevant leading officials of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, state councilors, the president of the Supreme People's Court, the procurator-general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and leading officials of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference attended the meeting.

The meeting was held in the form of teleconference. Participants included members of the leading group for education of the CPC Central Committee, leading officials from all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, cities specifically designated in the state plan, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, leading officials from relevant central Party and government departments, people's organizations, and military units, as well as leading officials from some enterprises and universities under the direct auspices of the central government.

(FOCAC) Full text: Keynote address by Chinese President Xi Jinping at opening ceremony of 2024 FOCAC summit

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech titled "Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a Community with a Shared Future" while attending the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Sept. 5, 2024. (Xinhua/Yao Dawei)

BEIJING, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday delivered a keynote address at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).

The following is the full text of the address:


Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a Community with a Shared Future

Keynote Address by H.E. Xi Jinping

President of the People's Republic of China

At the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Summit of

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

Beijing, September 5, 2024


Your Excellency President Bassirou Diomaye Faye,

Your Excellency President Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, Chairperson of the African Union (AU),

Your Excellencies Heads of State and Government and Heads of Delegation,

Your Excellency Mr. António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations,

Your Excellency Mr. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the AU Commission,

Friends and Distinguished Guests,

Blossoms in spring turn into fruits in autumn, and a bumper harvest is the reward of hard work. In this season of harvest, I am delighted to gather together with so many old and new friends in Beijing to discuss grand plans for China-Africa friendship and cooperation in the new era. On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I extend a warm welcome to you all!

The friendship between China and Africa transcends time and space, surmounts mountains and oceans, and passes down through generations. The founding of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in 2000 was a milestone in the history of China-Africa relations. Over the past 24 years, especially in the new era, China has advanced forward hand in hand with our African brothers and sisters in the spirit of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith. We stand shoulder to shoulder with each other to firmly defend our legitimate rights and interests as once-in-a-century changes sweep across the world. We get stronger and more resilient together by riding the tide of economic globalization, delivering tangible benefits to billions of ordinary Chinese and Africans. We share weal and woe in fighting natural disasters and epidemics together, creating touching stories of China-Africa friendship. We always empathize with and support each other, setting a stellar example of a new type of international relations.

Thanks to nearly 70 years of tireless efforts from both sides, the China-Africa relationship is now at its best in history. With its future growth in mind, I propose that bilateral relations between China and all African countries having diplomatic ties with China be elevated to the level of strategic relations, and that the overall characterization of China-Africa relations be elevated to an all-weather China-Africa community with a shared future for the new era.

Friends and Distinguished Guests,

Modernization is an inalienable right of all countries. But the Western approach to it has inflicted immense sufferings on developing countries. Since the end of World War II, Third World nations, represented by China and African countries, have achieved independence and development one after another, and have been endeavoring to redress the historical injustices of the modernization process. As we are about to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the People's Republic of China, we are going all out to build a great modern socialist country in all respects and pursue national rejuvenation through a Chinese path to modernization. Africa is also awakening again, and the continent is marching in solid strides toward the modernization goals set forth in the AU's Agenda 2063. China and Africa's joint pursuit of modernization will set off a wave of modernization in the Global South, and open a new chapter in our drive for a community with a shared future for mankind.

-- We should jointly advance modernization that is just and equitable. In promoting modernization, we should not only follow the general rules, but also act in light of our national realities. China is ready to increase exchanges of governance experience with Africa, support all countries in exploring modernization paths befitting their national conditions, and help ensure equal rights and equal opportunities for all countries.

-- We should jointly advance modernization that is open and win-win. Mutually beneficial cooperation is the sunny road to the betterment of long-term and fundamental interests of all countries. China is ready to deepen cooperation with Africa in industry, agriculture, infrastructure, trade and investment, promote exemplary, high-quality Belt and Road cooperation projects, and build together a model for the delivery of the Global Development Initiative.

-- We should jointly advance modernization that puts the people first. The ultimate goal of modernization is the free and full development of human beings. China will work vigorously with Africa to promote personnel training, poverty reduction and employment, enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of the people in the course of modernization, and ensure that all will benefit from the process.

-- We should jointly advance modernization featuring diversity and inclusiveness. Well-balanced material and spiritual advancement is a lofty objective of modernization. China will enhance people-to-people and cultural exchanges with Africa, champion mutual respect, inclusiveness and coexistence of different civilizations on our way to modernization, and strive together for more fruitful outcomes under the Global Civilization Initiative.

-- We should jointly advance modernization that is eco-friendly. Green development is a hallmark of modernization in the new era. China is ready to help Africa build "green growth engines," narrow the gap in energy accessibility, adhere to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, and jointly push for the global transition to green and low-carbon development.

-- We should jointly advance modernization underpinned by peace and security. Modernization would not be possible without a peaceful and stable environment for development. China is ready to help Africa improve its capacity in safeguarding peace and stability independently, prioritize Africa in implementing the Global Security Initiative (GSI), promote mutual reinforcement of high-quality development and greater security, and work together with Africa to uphold world peace and stability.

Friends and Distinguished Guests,

China and Africa account for one-third of the world population. Without our modernization, there will be no global modernization. In the next three years, China will work with Africa to take the following ten partnership actions for modernization to deepen China-Africa cooperation and spearhead the Global South modernization.

First, the Partnership Action for Mutual Learning among Civilizations. China is ready to work with Africa to build a platform for governance experience sharing, a China-Africa knowledge network for development, and 25 centers on China and Africa studies. We will make better use of Africa's leadership academies to cultivate talents for governance, and invite 1,000 members of African political parties to China to deepen exchanges of experience in party and state governance.

Second, the Partnership Action for Trade Prosperity. China will voluntarily and unilaterally open its market wider. We have decided to give all LDCs having diplomatic relations with China, including 33 countries in Africa, zero-tariff treatment for 100 percent tariff lines. This has made China the first major developing country and the first major economy to take such a step. It will help turn China's big market into Africa's big opportunity. China will expand market access for African agricultural products, deepen cooperation with Africa in e-commerce and other areas, and launch a "China-Africa quality enhancement program." We are prepared to enter into framework agreements on economic partnership for shared development with African countries to provide long-term, stable and predictable institutional guarantee for trade and investment between the two sides.

Third, the Partnership Action for Industrial Chain Cooperation. China will foster industry cooperation growth clusters with Africa, push forward the Pilot Zone for In-depth China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation, and launch an "African SMEs empowerment program." We will build with Africa a digital technology cooperation center and initiate 20 digital demonstration projects so as to embrace together the latest round of technological revolution and industrial transformation.

Fourth, the Partnership Action for Connectivity. China is prepared to carry out 30 infrastructure connectivity projects in Africa, promote together high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and put in place a China-Africa network featuring land-sea links and coordinated development. We are ready to assist in the development of the African Continental Free Trade Area, and deepen logistics and financial cooperation for the benefit of trans-regional development in Africa.

Fifth, the Partnership Action for Development Cooperation. China is ready to release the Joint Statement on Deepening Cooperation within the Framework of the Global Development Initiative with Africa, and implement 1,000 "small and beautiful" livelihood projects. We will replenish the China-World Bank Group Partnership Facility to boost Africa's development. We support Africa in hosting the 2026 Youth Olympic Games and the 2027 Africa Cup of Nations. We will work together with Africa to deliver more fruits of development to the two peoples.

Sixth, the Partnership Action for Health. China is ready to establish with Africa a hospitals alliance and joint medical centers. We will send 2,000 medical personnel to Africa, and launch 20 programs of health facilities and malaria treatment. We will encourage Chinese companies to invest in Africa's pharmaceutical production, and continue to do what we can to help Africa with epidemic response. We support the development of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to strengthen public health capacity in all African countries.

Seventh, the Partnership Action for Agriculture and Livelihoods. China will provide Africa with RMB1 billion yuan in emergency food assistance, build 100,000 mu (about 6,670 hectares) of standardized agriculture demonstration areas in Africa, send 500 agricultural experts, and establish a China-Africa agricultural science and technology innovation alliance. We will implement 500 programs in Africa to promote community welfare. We will also encourage two-way investment for new business operations by Chinese and African companies, enable Africa to retain added value, and create at least one million jobs for Africa.

Eighth, the Partnership Action for People-to-People Exchanges. China will implement with Africa more solidly the Future of Africa-Vocational Education Cooperation Plan, establish together an engineering technology academy, and build ten Luban Workshops. We will provide 60,000 training opportunities to Africa, mainly for women and youths. We will launch with Africa a Cultural Silk Road program as well as an initiative of cooperation on innovation in radio, TV and audio and visual programs. The two sides have agreed to designate 2026 as the China-Africa Year of People-to-People Exchanges.

Ninth, the Partnership Action for Green Development. China is ready to launch 30 clean energy projects in Africa, put in place meteorological early warning systems, and carry out cooperation in disaster prevention, mitigation and relief as well as biodiversity conservation. We will create a China-Africa forum on peaceful use of nuclear technology, establish together 30 joint laboratories, and collaborate on satellite remote sensing and lunar and deep-space exploration. All this is designed to help with green development in Africa.

Tenth, the Partnership Action for Common Security. China is ready to build with Africa a partnership for implementing the GSI, and make it a fine example of GSI cooperation. We will give Africa RMB1 billion yuan of grants in military assistance, provide training for 6,000 military personnel and 1,000 police and law enforcement officers from Africa, and invite 500 young African military officers to visit China. The two sides will conduct joint military exercises, training and patrol, carry out an "action for a mine-free Africa," and jointly ensure the safety of personnel and projects.

To implement the ten partnership actions, the Chinese government will provide RMB360 billion yuan of financial support through the next three years. This breaks down into RMB210 billion yuan of credit line, RMB80 billion yuan of assistance in various forms, and at least RMB70 billion yuan of investment in Africa by Chinese companies. In addition, China will encourage and support Africa in issuing panda bonds in China to enhance our results-oriented cooperation in all areas.

Friends and Distinguished Guests,

The Communist Party of China held in July the successful Third Plenary Session of its 20th Central Committee, laying out systematic plans for further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization. This will profoundly further transform China. It will also provide new opportunities and new driving forces for African countries and for our joint pursuit of modernization.

As an African proverb goes, a friend is someone you share the path with. On the path to modernization, no one, and no country, should be left behind. Let us rally the more than 2.8 billion Chinese and African people into a powerful force on our shared path toward modernization, promote modernization of the Global South with China-Africa modernization, and write a new magnificent chapter of development in human history. Let us join hands to bring about a bright future of peace, security, prosperity and progress for our world.

Thank you.

(FOCAC) Full text: Toast by Chinese President Xi Jinping at welcoming banquet of 2024 FOCAC summit

Chinese President Xi Jinping addresses a welcome banquet for international guests attending the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Sept. 4, 2024. Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan hosted the banquet here on Wednesday. (Xinhua/Yao Dawei)

BEIJING, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan, on Wednesday hosted a banquet to welcome international guests who are in Beijing for the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).

The following is the full text of the toast by President Xi at the banquet.


Toast by H.E. Xi Jinping

President of the People's Republic of China

At the Welcoming Banquet of the

2024 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

Beijing, September 4, 2024


Your Excellency President Bassirou Diomaye Faye,

Distinguished Colleagues and Your Spouses,

Friends and Distinguished Guests,

Good evening!

It is my great pleasure to meet you here on the eve of the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). On behalf of the Chinese government and people, and in the name of my wife and myself, I extend a warm welcome to you all.

To quote a Chinese poem, "True friends always feel close to each other, no matter the distance between them." I have been to Africa 10 times and hosted many African leaders in China. All our meetings have been cordial and heartwarming. They have reinforced my belief that the China-Africa community with a shared future is built on a strong foundation, has been blessed with a good start, and enjoys broad prospects. It sets a stellar example for building a community with a shared future for mankind.

The China-Africa community with a shared future is deeply rooted in our traditional friendship. Since the mid-20th century, we have been fighting shoulder to shoulder imperialism, colonialism, and hegemonism, and advancing hand in hand along the path of development, revitalization, and modernization. China-Africa friendship remains robust and is growing stronger through generations no matter how the world changes.

The China-Africa community with a shared future thrives on the strength of win-win cooperation. Twenty-four years ago, FOCAC was born at the dawn of a new century. Through this key cooperation platform, we have together built roads, railways, schools, hospitals, industrial parks, and special economic zones. These projects have changed the lives and destiny of many people.

The China-Africa community with a shared future grows in step with the times. Following the Eighth FOCAC Ministerial Conference in Dakar in 2021, we have worked together to fully implement the nine programs and deliver on other outcomes of the meeting. We pulled together in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. We maintained close cooperation and coordination on major international and regional issues. Together we have made the voice of the Global South stronger.

Friends and Distinguished Guests,

We human beings have been dreaming of a community with a shared future, and modernization is what it takes to turn our dream into reality. China and Africa have been, and remain, pioneers in building this community, and we will stay at the forefront in pursuing modernization. I am confident that as long as the 2.8 billion-strong Chinese and African people are united for this common goal, we will accomplish new and even greater feats together on the way toward modernization, spearhead the modernization drive of the Global South, and make greater contributions to a community with a shared future for mankind.

Now, I would like to propose a toast:

To the prosperity of China and African countries and the well-being of our people;

To the everlasting friendship between the Chinese and African people;

To the success of the Summit; and

To the health of all distinguished guests and your families.



Xi demands all-out efforts to carry out reform tasks

BEIJING, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presided over the sixth meeting of the Central Commission for Deepening Overall Reform on the morning of Aug. 29 and delivered an important speech. He is also director of the commission. Xi emphasized that further deepening reform comprehensively is being advanced based on the foundation of deepening reform across the board since the new era, and that it has a solid foundation and favorable conditions. It is necessary to make good use of the existing reform achievements and important experience, to emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, keep pace with the times, take a realistic and pragmatic approach, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties to ensure the successful implementation of the reform tasks.

Li Qiang, Wang Huning, and Cai Qi attended the meeting. They are all members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and deputy directors of the Central Commission for Deepening Overall Reform.

The meeting reviewed and adopted a plan for central Party and state departments to implement major reform measures set in a key resolution adopted last month at the third plenum of the 20th CPC Central Committee, and a guideline on implementing the strategy for upgrading pilot free trade zones.

The meeting underscored that the third plenum of the 20th CPC Central Committee made arrangements for further deepening reform comprehensively, and put forward over 300 major reform measures. It is imperative to uphold the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee over reform and strictly enforce the system for requesting instructions and reporting. The strategic priorities and key directions of reform must be accurately grasped, and the order, pace, and timing of reform measures must be reasonably arranged. Reform should be more closely integrated with economic and social development and the implementation of landmark reform measures should be accelerated. Efforts should be made to strengthen the systematic integration of reforms, enhance the consistency of reform policy orientations, actively assess the impact of reform on economic and social development, and forge synergy between reform and development.

The implementation mechanism of reform should be optimized and coordination on major issues should be strengthened. All reform-initiating departments and participating departments should dare to shoulder responsibility, take solid steps, strengthen research and demonstration of major reforms, and formulate reform organization and implementation plans. Efforts should be made to strengthen the supervision, evaluation, and inspection of reform, and actual results and the satisfaction of the people should be the yardstick of reform, according to the meeting.

The meeting highlighted the milestone and pioneering institutional innovations introduced by the country's 22 pilot free trade zones since the 18th CPC National Congress held in 2012, which play an effective role in serving as a comprehensive pilot platform for reform and opening up. The purpose to implement the plan of the third plenum of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the strategy for upgrading pilot free trade zones is to carry out exploration in a wider range and at a deeper level, and realize the comprehensive upgrade of institutional opening up of pilot free trade zones, and the effectiveness of systematic reform as well as the quality of an open economy.

It's necessary to adhere to the high-quality opening up as the guide and institutional innovation as the core while encouraging testing pilot programs, conducting pioneering and integrated exploration, promoting innovative development of the entire industrial chain, enhancing the overall competitiveness of foreign trade, promoting investment liberalization and facilitation, and improving the policy system that focuses on trade, investment, capital flow, transportation, free and convenient personnel exchanges, and secure and orderly flow of data. It is necessary to coordinate development and security, steadily expand opening up by making institutional improvement in rules, regulations, management and standards, and improve risk prevention and control capabilities.

Members of the Central Commission for Deepening Overall Reform and leading officials from central Party and state departments attended the meeting.

CPC leadership reviews measures on western region's development

BEIJING, Aug. 24 (Xinhua) -- The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a meeting on Friday to review policies and measures to open up a new vista in the large-scale development of China's western region. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, chaired the meeting.

The meeting noted that the large-scale development of the western region is a major strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee. It is imperative to thoroughly understand the strategic intent of the CPC Central Committee, accurately grasp the positioning and mission of the large-scale development of the western region in promoting Chinese modernization, maintain strategic resolve, consistently implement relevant measures, focus on well-coordinated environmental conservation, large-scale opening-up, and high-quality development, and move faster to create a new pattern of development to elevate overall regional strength and sustainable development capacity.

The meeting stressed that efforts should be made to deepen reform comprehensively, further unleash and develop the productive forces, tap into and boost the vitality of society, and blaze a path of Chinese modernization that suits the realities of the region. The region must take into account the functional positioning and industrial foundation, to develop distinctive and competitive industries that leverage local strengths, enhance scientific and technological innovation capabilities, and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Work must be done to promote high-level environmental conservation, build a beautiful western region, coordinate the integrated conservation and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grasslands and deserts, thoroughly carry out pollution prevention and control, and advance green and low-carbon development.

The meeting urged the western region to increase the internal driving force for development, enhance the openness of the economy, enhance capacity building for security in key areas, strengthen the guarantee capacity of energy and resources, and promote the construction of clean energy bases. It is necessary to advance the new urbanization in accordance with local conditions, make solid efforts to promote rural revitalization across the board, consolidate and expand the poverty alleviation achievements, and make sure that there will be no falling or relapsing into poverty on a large scale in rural areas. The meeting also noted that a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation should be forged to safeguard ethnic unity and stability in border areas. The Central Leading Group for Coordinated Regional Development should strengthen the overall coordination, make clear specific tasks, and facilitate the fulfillment of the tasks. Relevant departments should conduct research, put forward targeted policies and measures and strive to achieve substantial results. Party committees and governments at all levels in the western region should shoulder their principal responsibilities, strive for better development, and form synergy in work. It is necessary to take steady steps forward with strong determination and persistent efforts and solidly carry out all arrangements to write a new chapter in the large-scale development of the western region.

Some other issues were also discussed at the meeting.

Xi urges advancing socialism with Chinese characteristics at symposium held to mark Deng Xiaoping's 120th birth anniversary

BEIJING, Aug. 23 (Xinhua) -- The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a symposium on the morning of Aug. 22 at the Great Hall of the People to commemorate the 120th birth anniversary of Comrade Deng Xiaoping. Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), delivered an important speech. Xi emphasized that Comrade Deng Xiaoping is recognized by the entire Party, the military, and the people of all ethnic groups across the country as an outstanding leader with high prestige, a great Marxist, a great proletarian revolutionary, statesman, military strategist, diplomat, and a long-tested communist fighter. Deng was the core of the second generation of the Party's central collective leadership, the chief architect of China's socialist reform, opening up and modernization, the trailblazer of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the principal creator of Deng Xiaoping Theory. He made significant contributions to world peace and development as a great internationalist. Deng made outstanding contributions to the Party, the people, the country, the nation, and the world. Deng's achievements have been immortalized in history and will always inspire future generations.

The symposium was attended by members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Ding Xuexiang, and Li Xi, as well as Vice President Han Zheng. The symposium was presided over by Cai Qi, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

In his speech, Xi noted that Comrade Deng Xiaoping's life was a glorious, fighting and extraordinary one. Deng made outstanding contributions to the Party-led causes of national independence and people's liberation, and to the founding of the People's Republic of China. He carried out highly effective work in establishing the socialist system and advancing socialist construction. After the end of the Cultural Revolution, as the core of the second generation of the Party's central collective leadership, Deng led the Party and the people in achieving a historic shift, drove a new leap forward in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context, broke new ground in socialist modernization, set a right path for realizing China's complete reunification, firmly upheld the splendid banner of socialism, and successfully initiated socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Xi emphasized that Deng's historical achievements are comprehensive and groundbreaking, with profound and lasting impact on both China and the world. Deng's lifelong journey of struggle fully demonstrated his unwavering commitment to the lofty ideals of communism and the belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics, his deep love for the people, his adherence to the principle of seeking truth from facts, his political courage in continuous innovation, his far-sighted strategic thinking, and his broad-mindedness and selflessness. We will forever remember his great historical achievements and forever revere his noble revolutionary conduct.

Xi highlighted that the most important intellectual legacy left to us by Comrade Deng Xiaoping is Deng Xiaoping Theory, which he primarily developed. Deng Xiaoping Theory represents a significant milestone in the process of adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of the times. As we embark on a new journey of the new era, we must continue to thoroughly study and apply Deng Xiaoping Theory, fully and accurately grasp its scientific essence and core principles. This involves both adhering to the major conclusions, fundamental viewpoints, and correct propositions Deng Xiaoping made based on his understanding of the laws of socialism, and correctly grasping the theory's core and essence in light of changing circumstances to solve contemporary problems. This ensures our unwavering commitment to truth and our consistent application of theory in practice.

We must always uphold Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development, and fully implement the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is essential to steadfastly maintain Marxism as our guiding principle and China's fine traditional culture as our foundation, and learn from and absorb the outstanding achievements of human civilization. By continuously exploring truth and addressing the practical issues in advancing Chinese modernization, we can profoundly answer the questions posed by China, the world, the people, and the times. This will further advance the adaptation of Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of the times, allowing the Marxism of contemporary China and of the 21st century to shine with even greater brilliance.

Xi emphasized that the best way to honor Comrade Deng Xiaoping is to continue advancing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics that he initiated. We must focus on the central task of building a great country and national rejuvenation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization, carrying forward the legacy and striving for progress. It is essential to uphold fundamental principles and break new ground, further deepen reforms comprehensively, and continuously provide robust momentum and institutional guarantees for Chinese modernization.

We must prioritize high-quality development as the primary task, fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development philosophy, and advance the coordinated implementation of the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy. We must move faster to build a modernized economy, work toward greater self-reliance in the science and technology sector, vigorously develop advanced socialist culture, and boost material and cultural-ethical advancement and harmony between humanity and nature.

We must adhere to the principle of putting people first, develop whole-process people's democracy, build a higher level of the rule of law in China, and ensure that development is accompanied by the safeguarding and improvement of people's livelihoods, thus making substantial progress toward common prosperity for all. We should also promote high-standard opening up to the outside world, steadily expand institutional openness, boost high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative, and balance openness with security to safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests.

We must unswervingly advance the full and rigorous self-governance of the Party, improve the system for Party self-discipline, and resolutely win the tough and protracted battle against corruption. This ensures that the Party will never change its nature, its conviction, or its character, and it is always the firm core leadership guiding the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Xi noted that realizing China's complete reunification has long been the aspiration of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and other members of the older generation of revolutionaries, a common will of Chinese people both at home and overseas, and an unstoppable historical trend. We should fully, faithfully, and resolutely implement the policy of "one country, two systems," under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong and the people of Macao administer Macao, both with a high degree of autonomy. We should support and promote the further integration of Hong Kong and Macao into the country's overall development, enabling them to achieve better development. We should resolutely implement the Party's overall policy framework for resolving the Taiwan question in the new era, adhere to the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations, and oppose "Taiwan independence" to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, Xi said.

Xi stressed that China has always been a staunch force for world peace. We should always uphold peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, advance the building of a human community with a shared future, and champion humanity's shared values. We should implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, take an active role in the reform and development of the global governance system, and create new opportunities for the world with new progress in advancing Chinese modernization, Xi said.

While presiding over the meeting, Cai Qi said that General Secretary Xi's important speech profoundly reviewed the glorious, fighting, and great life of Comrade Deng Xiaoping. Xi's speech lauded the great historical achievements of Deng in leading the CPC and the Chinese people to usher in the new period of reform and opening up, and socialist modernization, in initiating socialism with Chinese characteristics, and in establishing Deng Xiaoping Theory. Xi's speech emphasized the need to faithfully study and apply Deng Xiaoping Theory, to learn from Deng's noble revolutionary demeanor, and to carry forward the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics that Deng initiated. The speech is insightful, profound, and of political, ideological and theoretical significance. It is of great importance to guiding the Party to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics under new conditions in the new era. We should earnestly study, grasp, and thoroughly implement Xi's speech, and jointly strive to build a strong country and realize national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization.

At the symposium, Qu Qingshan, president of the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee, Miao Hua, a member of the CMC and director of the Political Work Department of the CMC, and Wang Xiaohui, secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the CPC, delivered speeches in turn.

Members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee in Beijing, members of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, as well as relevant leading officials from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the State Council, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the CMC attended the symposium.

Also in attendance were leading officials from relevant central authorities, the Beijing municipal government and the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the CPC, representatives of central committees of non-CPC parties, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and personages without party affiliation, relatives of Deng Xiaoping, his former staff and representatives from his hometown, and participants of a national academic seminar to commemorate the 120th birth anniversary of Deng Xiaoping.

Xi meets Chinese sports delegation, hails Olympians for winning glory for country

BEIJING, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, met with all members of the Chinese sports delegation to the 33rd Summer Olympic Games at the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of Aug. 20. He emphasized that during the Paris Olympics, the team united as one, fought tenaciously, and courageously pursued excellence, fulfilling their mission and achieving the best results in the history of China's participation in overseas Summer Olympic Games. This accomplishment marked a dual victory in both competition results and sportsmanship, bringing honor to the nation and the people, he said. On behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, Xi welcomed the delegation back, extended warm congratulations and sincere regards to the members, and conveyed heartfelt greetings to all comrades of the sports sector nationwide.

The meeting was also attended by Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi and Li Xi, who are all members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, as well as Vice President Han Zheng.

The Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People was filled with a festive and lively atmosphere. Around 3:20 p.m., Xi and other Party and state leaders arrived to join the members of the delegation, greeted by prolonged and enthusiastic applause from the entire room. Xi and the other leaders warmly shook hands with everyone and took group photos to commemorate the occasion.

Amid the enthusiastic applause, Xi delivered an important speech. He stated that the outstanding achievements of the Chinese sports delegation are not only a concentrated reflection of the progress and development in China's sports endeavors but also a microcosm of the accomplishments in Chinese modernization, fully demonstrating the strength of China in the new era. When the nation prospers, its sports thrive; when the country is strong, its sports are strong. The fundamental reason why China has joined the ranks of the world's leading sports nations and become a major Olympic player is the country's growing national strength. This has provided sound technological and material support for sports training as well as a good environment and broad foundation for the development of talent in various sports. In the new era and on the new journey, endeavors to build a great country and move toward national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization will undoubtedly provide better conditions for and inject a strong impetus into the development of China's sports industry. China must continue to vigorously develop sports with a people-centered approach, promote the deep integration of national fitness and national health initiatives, and move constantly toward the goals of building China into a sports powerhouse and healthy nation.

Xi pointed out that the outstanding achievements of the Chinese delegation have carried forward the Chinese sports spirit and the Olympic spirit, allowing the spirit of the Chinese nation and the spirit of the times to shine together. They have vividly embodied the spirit of China in the new era. On the field, everyone kept the Party's and the people's trust in mind, with powerful pledges like "National honor always surpasses individual glory" and "I dedicate this gold medal to our great motherland." These words echoed with conviction, showcasing a deep love for the motherland and a determination to bring glory to the nation. They also demonstrated an indomitable fighting spirit, an unwavering belief in victory, the invaluable quality of teamwork, and the confident, optimistic and friendly demeanor of the new generation of Chinese youth. You have shown the world the profound heritage of China's fine traditional culture, the openness, inclusiveness and enterprising spirit of modern China, and the determination, invincible spirit and confidence of the Chinese people. The motherland and the people are proud of you and applaud your achievements.

Xi stressed that the Chinese delegation has been committed to winning gold medals for morality, conduct and integrity, and has demonstrated sportsmanship and earned broad respect and recognition, fully showcasing the image of China in the new era. On the field, everyone followed the rules, respected their opponents, referees and spectators, and maintained good sportsmanship and civilized etiquette. They remained humble in victory and resilient in defeat. They have achieved gold medals in competition, morality and sportsmanship.

Noting that preparations for the next Olympics have started, Xi expressed his hope that the country's Olympians will remain humble and make persistent efforts to improve their performance in training and competitions. Efforts should be made to further develop strengths and address weaknesses, accelerate talent development, and ensure high-quality preparations. Competitive sports and mass sports complement each other. He hoped that the Olympians will help to further enhance the overall strength of competitive sports, promote national fitness and the vigorous development of youth sports, and make new contributions to building the country into a sports powerhouse.

The meeting was also attended by Wang Yi, Liu Guozhong, Li Shulei, Li Hongzhong, He Weidong and Chen Wu, along with leading officials from relevant central Party and state organs, as well as leading sports department officials from all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

Xi stresses enhancing Party building in instructions to central Party and state departments

BEIJING, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, has recently issued important instructions on how central Party and state departments should study and implement the guiding principles from the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, and promote the high-quality development of Party building. Xi noted that studying and implementing the guiding principles well is and will continue to be a major political task for the whole Party and the entire country at the present and for some time to come. As the vanguards in executing the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, central Party and state departments should lead by example in comprehensively studying, publicizing, and putting into action the guiding principles from the plenary session.

Xi stressed that on the new journey of the new era, it is necessary for the central Party and state departments to adhere to and strengthen the overall leadership of the Party and the centralized, unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, deeply understand and grasp the theme, major principles, major measures and fundamental guarantees of further comprehensively deepening reform, and take the lead and set an example in further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese modernization. It is imperative to thoroughly implement the important ideas of the CPC Central Committee on Party building and the important ideas of the Party's self-reform, sum up and make good use of the practical experience of implementing the spirit of the Party building work conference of central Party and state departments, and deepen the reform of the Party building system. It is imperative to take the lead in ensuring the "Two Upholds," furthering theory study, consolidating the foundation at the primary level, and improving conduct, enforcing discipline and fighting against corruption. It is necessary to comprehensively improve the quality of Party building in central Party and state departments, lead by example in the in-depth study and implementation of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, maintaining a high degree of unity with the CPC Central Committee, and resolutely implementing its decisions and arrangements, and build these departments into role models. The Working Committee of the Central Party and State Institutions (WCCPSI) must fulfill its duties more effectively, uphold fundamental principles and break new ground, and do a good job in implementing policies and plans, taking new responsibilities and making new achievements in promoting high-quality development through high-quality Party building.

The symposium on studying and implementing the guiding principles from the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and promoting high-quality development of Party building in central Party and state departments was held in Beijing on July 31. Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the WCCPSI, attended the meeting, conveyed important instructions from General Secretary Xi Jinping, and delivered a speech.

Cai pointed out that the central Party and state departments should strengthen their political standing, study and implement the guiding principles from the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping. It is imperative to gain a profound understanding of the significance of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, fully understand the new ideas, new viewpoints, and new judgments put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping on comprehensively deepening reform, and gain a good command of what the resolution adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee is all about, so as to align thoughts and actions with the Party Central Committee's decisions and arrangements. He emphasized the need for central Party and state departments to do what they should in fulfilling missions and tasks, firmly follow the correct political direction, make sure those in charge take responsibility, effectively implement reform measures, and adopt scientific methods. It is crucial to fully motivate Party organizations, members and officials at all levels to proactively and creatively promote reform and development, so as to implement the guiding principles from the third plenary session with a strong sense of responsibility.

He highly commended what all departments have done and achieved in recent years in implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and directives concerning Party building in central Party and state departments. He noted that Party organizations, members and officials at all levels within central Party and state departments should enhance political loyalty and improve capabilities to do political work. They should have a thorough understanding of the decisive significance of the "Two Establishments," and constantly strengthen awareness of the "Four Consciousnesses" and "Four Confidences," thus taking the lead in ensuring the "Two Upholds."

It is essential to promote the study of the Party's new theories, improve the long-term mechanism for officials to forge inner strength, acquire wisdom, rectify conduct and improve work performance through study, and strengthen the education of and guidance on young officials so that they can play their due roles well. It is imperative to not only make up deficiencies but also improve work quality and functions to consolidate the foundation at the primary level. Efforts should be continued to combat corruption, refine the systems and mechanisms for tackling pointless formalities and bureaucratism, and establish a discipline education mechanism that combines regular study with intensive study. Responsibilities for Party building must be placed on specific persons in the departments, and the compulsory constraints of institutions must be further intensified, so as to promote the high-quality development of Party building in central Party and state departments through deepening related institutional reform. Such endeavors will provide strong guarantee for further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization.

Those who took the floor at the meeting included leading officials of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Commission of Supervision, the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the General Office of the State Council.

Jiang Xinzhi was present at the meeting.

Those also present at the meeting included secretaries of the leading Party members groups (Party committees) of the relevant central Party and state departments, secretaries and executive deputy secretaries of the Party affairs committees of all central Party and state departments, and leading officials of the WCCPSI.