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Comment: Japan's hype of China's armed coast guard ship ridiculous

English.news.cn   2015-12-30 15:55:59

????BEIJING, December 28 (ChinaMil) -- The Japanese media recently hyped up the fact that a Chinese coast guard ship equipped with a gun turret appeared in waters of the Diaoyu Islands and entered "Japanese territorial waters". The Japanese government claimed it had lodged formal protest to the Chinese government.

????The Japanese government and media's fussing over "Chinese armed ship entering Japanese territorial waters for the first time" is very ridiculous. The Japanese are "putting up a show for themselves".

????China and Japan both consider the Diaoyu Islands their own territory and it has become a normal practice for them to assign law enforcement ships to that region. Since the Japan Coast Guard's ships are all equipped with artillery, how can they expect China's coast guard ships to appear without any weapon system?

????Objectively speaking, after serious tension a few years earlier, waters of the Diaoyu Islands are in relative stability now.

????The outcome of the last round of conflicts was Japan's "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands, a substantial move in the legal perspective.

????China has taken forceful countermoves too, not only assigning enforcement ships to patrol the relevant waters regularly, but also entering the 12 nautical miles frequently, thus creating the situation that China and Japan have carried out "cross regulation" of the Diaoyu Islands waters.

????Although Japan has maintained stronger forces near the Diaoyu Islands based on its proximity, it has been forced to accept China's new stance, and the two parties are trying to establish new codes of conduct.

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Editor: 楊茹
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Comment: Japan's hype of China's armed coast guard ship ridiculous

English.news.cn 2015-12-30 15:55:59

????BEIJING, December 28 (ChinaMil) -- The Japanese media recently hyped up the fact that a Chinese coast guard ship equipped with a gun turret appeared in waters of the Diaoyu Islands and entered "Japanese territorial waters". The Japanese government claimed it had lodged formal protest to the Chinese government.

????The Japanese government and media's fussing over "Chinese armed ship entering Japanese territorial waters for the first time" is very ridiculous. The Japanese are "putting up a show for themselves".

????China and Japan both consider the Diaoyu Islands their own territory and it has become a normal practice for them to assign law enforcement ships to that region. Since the Japan Coast Guard's ships are all equipped with artillery, how can they expect China's coast guard ships to appear without any weapon system?

????Objectively speaking, after serious tension a few years earlier, waters of the Diaoyu Islands are in relative stability now.

????The outcome of the last round of conflicts was Japan's "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands, a substantial move in the legal perspective.

????China has taken forceful countermoves too, not only assigning enforcement ships to patrol the relevant waters regularly, but also entering the 12 nautical miles frequently, thus creating the situation that China and Japan have carried out "cross regulation" of the Diaoyu Islands waters.

????Although Japan has maintained stronger forces near the Diaoyu Islands based on its proximity, it has been forced to accept China's new stance, and the two parties are trying to establish new codes of conduct.

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