
China mulls regulation on Antarctic activities

Source: Xinhua| 2018-02-01 15:46:56|Editor: Lifang
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BEIJING, Feb. 1 (Xinhua) -- China's State Oceanic Administration published a draft document to regulate Chinese people's activities in Antarctica to protect the region's environment.

According to the draft on the administration's website, bringing radioactive waste, toxic or harmful substances or other potential contaminants to Antarctica or disposing of such material in the region is forbidden.

Bringing non-native animals, plants or microorganisms to Antarctica is also prohibited.

Collect or taking meteorites, rocks, soil or fossils from Antarctica is prohibited, as is hunting or obtaining species samples in the region, the draft said.

The document also bans artificial construction in the region.

The document said these activities are allowed only for scientific research or educational purposes and approval must be obtained from the State Council's oceanic authority in advance.

The draft asked organizers and participants in Antarctic activities to take necessary measures to protect the environment and ecosystem in Antarctica and minimize the impact of their activities.

They should also pay for the costs of supplies, search and rescue, medical care and evacuation that may incur.

Aircraft activities, including unmanned aerial vehicles, in Antarctica should also abide by the stipulations of Chinese law and regulations as well as international conventions China has signed or acceded to, it said.

Those who violate the regulation will be blacklisted and restricted from reentering the region for three years.

The public is invited to give opinions on the draft via fax or email before Feb. 7.