
China Focus: Xi's statements at UN meetings demonstrate China's global vision, firm commitment

Source: Xinhua| 2020-10-02 18:24:40|Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, Oct. 2 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping's statements at High-level Meetings Marking the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations (UN), demonstrating the global vision and firm commitment of China as a major country, have been welcomed and highly regarded by the international community, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Friday.

Wang gives an overview of Xi's participation and important statements at these meetings.

Xi has recorded video messages for a series of important video conferences, including the High-level Meeting to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the UN, the General Debate of the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly, the Summit on Biodiversity, and the High-level Meeting on the 25th Anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women.

It is widely agreed that Xi's statements and proposals will have positive and far-reaching impact on the evolution of the international landscape, both now and in the future, Wang added.


Xi provided comprehensive and systematic answers to such key questions as what kind of a world humanity will face in the post-COVID era, what role China will play in the world and what kind of an international order we all need, Wang said, adding that the Chinese president took a clear stand and unequivocally reiterated China's firm commitment to multilateralism, the authority of the UN, the path of peaceful development and mutually beneficial cooperation, and the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Noting Xi announced a set of new initiatives and measures at this year's General Assembly, Wang said these initiatives are part of China's proactive efforts to advance global peace and development. They are also the solid actions taken by China to support multilateralism.

Wang emphasized that the new statements and proposals by Xi at this year's General Assembly further enriched and expanded Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy in both theory and practice.


Noting COVID-19 is a global public health crisis to confront humanity since World War II, and international solidarity is much needed in overcoming it, Wang said Xi put forward a range of important initiatives and proposals and demonstrated a strong sense of responsibility for the wellbeing of humanity against this backdrop.

Xi elaborated on China's experience in fighting COVID-19, including its people-first, life-first commitment, science-based approach and well-calibrated measures, Wang said, adding that many countries have stated that China's experience has been proven effective in practice, and reinforced their confidence and strength in defeating the virus.

"China both advocates and more importantly, actively pursues global cooperation against COVID-19. Under the personal direction of President Xi, China engaged in a biggest-ever global humanitarian action in the history of the People's Republic, and provided assistance to countries in need to the best of its ability," Wang said.


Emphasizing the global governance system needs to be reformed and brought up to date, Wang said Xi set out China's views on this subject in an all-round fashion, with a dialectical perspective on what should remain unchanged and what should be changed in today's global governance system.

The Chinese president pointed out that there is but one system in the world, and it is the UN-centered international system; there is but one set of rules, and it is the basic norms governing international relations underpinned by the UN Charter, Wang said, adding that these important statements set the tone for the reform of the global governance system.

Xi called on the UN to stand firm for justice, uphold the rule of law, promote cooperation and focus on real action, Wang said, adding that these four propositions epitomize the great expectations of the global community on the UN.

Wang highlighted that Xi's resounding statements struck a chord with the majority of the international community, and charted the right course for reforming the global governance system.


Noting COVID-19 has taken a heavy toll on the economic and social development of all countries, while the backlash against globalization and rise of protectionism has aggravated the global downturn, Wang said Xi made proposals on effectively removing the main obstacles holding back global recovery and development at this critical moment.

Xi calls for remaining committed to building an open world economy, upholding the multilateral trading regime with the World Trade Organization as the cornerstone, and working to ensure the stable and smooth functioning of global industrial and supply chains demonstrate China's vision and sense of responsibility to forge ahead against all odds and charted the future course for the world economy, Wang said.

Meanwhile, the Chinese president underlined that China aims to foster, over time, a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other, Wang said, adding that these statements reflected China's openness and readiness to share its huge market with the rest of the world, and projected its image as a responsible country promoting win-win cooperation through real actions.

Xi also made many important observations on the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation and the transition to green and low-carbon development, Wang added.

"All this has pointed the way forward for the sound and sustained growth of the world economy," noted the state councilor.


Noting Xi put forward four proposals, namely, increase the drive for building a beautiful world, build synergy for global governance on the environment, increase the potential for high-quality economic recovery after COVID-19, and strengthen the power of action to tackle challenges to the environment, Wang said these insightful views and important announcements have contributed to the promotion of global ecological progress.

Xi solemnly announced that having met its 2020 climate action targets two years ahead of schedule, China will scale up its nationally determined contributions, adopt even more forceful policies and measures, and strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. Wang said these ambitious targets have shown to the world that China is firmly committed to the new development philosophy and stands ready to make new contributions to global climate response.

Looking ahead, Wang said that no matter what difficulties and obstacles may lie ahead, the pursuit of the Chinese nation for rejuvenation will not be stopped, the just cause of multilateralism will not be halted, and the prevailing trend of peace and development in the world will not be reversed.? Enditem